Mac OS X CF Import Script

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Active Member
Feb 25, 2002
Just written a shell script to automate my CF importing workflow. To run it, one can use a simple AppleScript to call the script from the desktop.

So what does the script? When run, it will first do a normal CF exist check, next it will create the respective folders (if not already existed), and then it will copy the contents of CF to their appropriate folders.

If you are interested, the script is here. (see it for more info)

It will be a donation ware. So do kindly donate something if you find it useful... ^^

Might be doing a GUI app for this...

need some help here:

For Canon EOS DSLR, the CF mounted will be called


what does it's called on Nikon DSLR, Olympus, and your respective DCAM


Is there a reason why manual scripting is preferred over using iPhoto?

alyee said:
Is there a reason why manual scripting is preferred over using iPhoto?

Yes, if you have your own filing system and dislike the one (and filing system used) by iPhoto.

oeyvind said:
Yes, if you have your own filing system and dislike the one (and filing system used) by iPhoto.

I guess its a personal preference. iPhoto makes it convenient to manage the photos, but its probably not meant for archival management. You still drag photos into CD-Rs when you need to archive them.

Maybe you could also just use applescript fully to "tell Finder" to copy the files for you, instead of telling Terminal to launch a shell script ;)

Well for me, it's much easier to do it in the familiar bourne shell script, anyway will be releasing a GUI version later.

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