Lost a white cockatiel with sulphur crest

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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2005
As above, i have lost a white cockatiel with sulphur crest.
it escaped in the jurong west region, at the canal side, just beside the swimming pool.

If any of u have spotted the bird or manage to catch it, pls contact me at 93804785.

thanks to all who see this msg.

sulphur crested commonly refers to cockatoo....
so is it cockatoo or cockatiel?? these are totally different breed.

does it respond to any name or any question? how old or how big is the bird? juvenile or matured?

posting a photo will help.

sorry about your loss, hope you will find your pet soon.

should be a lutino cockatiel ?? as in yellow cockatiel...? Hope you found your bird soon.

Yup..its a lutino cockatiel. It has a band on its left leg with the number 369. It can do ringing sound, wolf whistle and say hello. He loves paper and will fly to anyone who is holding paper.

Try to paste a lost and found poster around your place. Hope any kind pple who found your cockatiel will call you.

All the best..!

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