Listing Qualification in Name Card......

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Senior Member
May 11, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hi There,

Just to share with you some views from my counterparts and friends here in SIngapore and overseas.

Putting your qualification in name cards is not really some cases these info may put off some MNC's. Most MNC's do not have PHD HONS..BSc.s..qualification in cards because it make one look "kiasu" need a card to tell you not only your name.....but also TO PROVE what you are good at????

Most smaller SME (small medium enterpreneurs) practice this......normally in asian countries...but not overseas.....

lets hear from all of you on what do you think of this........


I disagree, I used to work Global Marine, a subsidiary of Global Crossing, they do put my MSc on my namecards. Hence, it is not only a practice of local SMEs. However, only post grad degrees are listed on the namcards and not first degrees.

Yeah, first degrees are too common nowaday. It's as good as putting "PSLE", "O-LeveL" onto our name card. Usually post-grad degrees such as MBA, MSc, MA, PhD etc may be reflected.
However there's this movement going on in UK at the moment. Some smart alexs felt that academic excellence is not a measure of talents. Thus they hope to put away with the academic titles. However they felt that professional membership such as CPA etc may be put on the card to reflect the profession one is in and related to.

i dunno but i seen many real estate agents n insurance agents starting to include theirs on their name cards....

maybe to give the consumers/whoever they liase with a sense of professionalism? just imo....


IMO, I feel that qualifications though to some extent mean something, but most of the times, employers judge what you can do, rather than what qualifications you have.

Its a name card. Not a resume. There's no right or wrong. Don't second guess or criticise others what they choose to put in their name cards. Its their choice. If that info is not relevant to you than ignore it.

It really depend on the industry you are in.

Of course if you are in the finance industry, the CPA, CFA, CFP are very important.

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