Life in shaded dreams.

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I always thought that life is always about straight road and curve detours.

But when something happened a year ago, everything changes.

Now i see life this way.. Maybe this is what i see on my mind.... Everything's purple dead and there is one straight road... but i wonder what will i see or feel or get if i climb to the great vine tree?

Maybe it will lead me paradise..

Oh well. Enough of the story...

anyways, was taken at bukit timah nature reserve and i'm sure those who came to this trail, might saw this vine. To me its mystical actually... To others maybe it is nothing special(according to my gf that is)

manipulated and cropped through Photoshop.

The picture is taken by fujilim f11 compact digital camera (as a back up for my 1000D)

Feel free to comment on anything.

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the path seems to lead to a dead end of vine trees... :think:

The logs are not necessary, since you want to bring out the vine. Tighter vertical crop with a bit 10% of the trail is possible.
Am not sure of the purplish colour... it gives a surreal feel.

too much ground and the purple doesn't work for me =/

what are u thinking bro ? :p

what do you think i'm thinking?
no la, nothing.

maybe you could climb the tree and take a picture?;p

Well, the primary use of blue and purple did provide me the surreal dream feeling that you're portraying. The vine does have that mystical enchanted forest feel to it. All in whole, the picture have fulfilled your poem. At the end, it shows of poles and ropes leading to a curve further, probably if that could have been left out, could show more of a straight road.

haha ya agree...
just go n look at the picture and scroll up until the logs disappear, then... WOW.

i wuld have liked it that way better. =)

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