Lets get to know each other!

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1. What time is it? 10:38

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Koh Chin Teck

3. Nickname(s): --> Johnny or Megaweb

4. Parents names: --> N/A

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 30

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? --> N/A

7. Pets: --> N/A

9. Hair colour: --> black

10. Piercing: --> N/A

11. Tattoos: --> N/A

12. How much do you love your job? --> at first yes ... getting more tired with it

13. Favourite colour: --> Blue

14. Hometown: --> Singapore

15. Current Residence: --> Singapore

16. Favourite food: --> any food tt is nice

17. Been to Africa? --> No

18. Been toilet papering? --> Yes

19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? --> Yes

20. Been in a car accident? --> No

22. Sprite or 7UP? 7-Up

23. Favourite Movie: Prediator

24. Favourite Holiday: Thailand with my army friends

25. Favourite day of the week: --> Sat

26. Favourite phrase or word: --> You look great !

27. Favourite Toothpaste: --> Darlie

28. Fav restaurant: --> N/A

29. Fav flower: --> N/A

30. Fav drink: --> My Dad drinks

31. Favourite sport to watch: --> NBA Basketball

32. Preferred type of ice cream: --> N/A

33. Favourite Sesame Street Character: --> N/A

34. Disney or Warner Bros: --> N/A

35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant: -->N/A

36. When was your last hospital visit? --> Today but for other purpose ( not related to illness or visit patient )

37. What colour is your bedroom carpet? --> N/A

38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? --> N/A

39. The last person you got email from before this? ---> Colleague

40. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? --> N/A

41. What do you do most often when you are bored? --> go out to take photos

42. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? --> Woodland

43. Most annoying thing people ask me: --> How old are you ?

44. Bedtime: --> Midnight

45. Who will respond the quickest? --> N/A

46. Who is the least likely to respond: --> N/A

47. Favourite all time TV show: --> Discovery Channel

48. Last person you went out for lunch with: --> CS friend

49. Last Movie you saw: --> Reign of Fire

50. What color pants are you wearing right now? Black

51. What are you listening to right now? N/A

52. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home? ---> 7082

53. What was the last thing you ate?---> Satay Bee Hoon

54. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?---> N/A

55. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?---> N/A

56. How is the weather right now?---> cloudy

57. Last person you spoke to on the phone?---> My elder brother

58. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite (same) sex? ---> Face

59. Do you like the person that sent you this? ---> N/A

60. How are you today? ---> As Usual

61. Your favorite alcoholic drink? ---> Tiger Beer

62. How do you eat an Oreo?---> N/A

63. What's the next CD you're going to buy?---> never

64. What color are your eyes?---> dark brown

65. Do you wear contacts? ---> N/A

66. Siblings & their ages? 2 elder and 1 younger

67. Favorite month? ---> Bonus Month

68. Favorite day of the year? ---> Bonus Day

69. Are you shy to ask someone out? ---> Yes I am

70. Do you like scary or happy movies better? ---> Happy

71. Summer or Winter?---> Summer

72. Hugs or Kisses? ---> Hugs

73. Relationship or one night stands? ---> Relationship

74. Chocolate or Vanilla?---> Chocolate

75. Do you want your friends to write back? ---> N/A

type so much... ppl also wont bother to scroll..

1. What time is it? 0901hrs...Juz woke up...YAWNS!!!

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Choo Min Keong

3. Nickname(s): --> Chief (at work), Ah Keong (Mum)

4. Parents names: --> Staff-In-Confidence

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: I wish that it's 25 forever...no more addition of candles after this year.

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? --> 16 July

7. Pets: --> 2 Jack Russels Terriers and a Miniature Pincher

9. Hair colour: --> Dark

10. Piercing: --> at the ear many years back but not now anymore

11. Tattoos: --> does this help in taking better photos

12. How much do you love your job? --> SAF...how much you love about it first..tell me and I will let you know.

13. Favourite colour: --> Black

14. Hometown: --> Singapore

15. Current Residence: --> Balestier, Singapore

16. Favourite food: --> Anythnig with no GREENS. I hate GREENS

17. Been to Africa? --> Passed by there via Suez Canal and seen the side of Egpyt...considered been there?

18. Been toilet papering? --> Na Beh...what the hell is this?

19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? --> Nope...I always take things good...but if they take my camera...I might CRY.

20. Been in a car accident? --> Yeah...but not the driver.

22. Sprite or 7UP? both...so long with alcohol

23. Favourite Movie: Free movie???

24. Favourite Holiday: Currently it's Hong Kong...Hope to have Europe at the next update

25. Favourite day of the week: --> Non-Working Days

26. Favourite phrase or word: --> Hip Siong Liaoz

27. Favourite Toothpaste: --> I follow what my wife use lor

28. Fav restaurant: --> who's treating??? free meal can be at any place...

29. Fav flower: --> Lily (What my mum and wife like most)

30. Fav drink: --> Coke

31. Favourite sport to watch: --> Volleyball (Girl Teams preferred)

32. Preferred type of ice cream: --> Irish Cream

33. Favourite Sesame Street Character: --> Big Bird

34. Disney or Warner Bros: --> Disney

35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant: --> MacDonalds

36. When was your last hospital visit? --> July, 2002

37. What colour is your bedroom carpet? --> U mean what is the fave colour of my wife's bedroom carpet???

38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? --> Is signing on with SAF considered the biggest crime?

39. The last person you got email from before this? ---> Spams!!!

40. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? --> Hong Kong Camera Stores...

41. What do you do most often when you are bored? --> the recent one should be this...oftenly I will go swim and suntanning...or Hip Siong

42. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? --> Angie in Poland

43. Most annoying thing people ask me: --> Religion

44. Bedtime: --> earliest at 12 midnight...latest is Dun Sleep At All

45. Who will respond the quickest? --> Bo chap

46. Who is the least likely to respond: --> Bo Hiu Lan

47. Favourite all time TV show: --> TV San Jian Ke

48. Last person you went out for lunch with: --> Colleague

49. Last Movie you saw: --> Haunted Office

50. What color pants are you wearing right now? Red

51. What are you listening to right now? Alternative

52. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home? ---> 6215

53. What was the last thing you ate?---> 10 course Dinner...going to be replaced by toast soon.

54. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?---> Yellow

55. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?---> Europe

56. How is the weather right now?---> Cooling...

57. Last person you spoke to on the phone?---> A guy named KUTU

58. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite (same) sex? ---> style of dressing

59. Do you like the person that sent you this? ---> I'm not GAY...and I think it's Bo Liaoz

60. How are you today? ---> Hope for the best

61. Your favorite alcoholic drink? ---> Anything Volka

62. How do you eat an Oreo?---> I only take Double Oreo...put the whole damm thing in and crush it then swallow

63. What's the next CD you're going to buy?---> CDRs...

64. What color are your eyes?---> black

65. Do you wear contacts? ---> No

66. Siblings & their ages? An elder brother 28 years old

67. Favorite month? ---> Dec cos no more sailings

68. Favorite day of the year? ---> off days

69. Are you shy to ask someone out? ---> nope

70. Do you like scary or happy movies better? ---> Comedy

71. Summer or Winter?---> Summer!!

72. Hugs or Kisses? ---> Hugs

73. Relationship or one night stands? ---> relationship

74. Chocolate or Vanilla?---> Chocolate

75. Do you want your friends to write back? ---> i can force them to write meh...???

1. What time is it? 9:30am, just woke up

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Ho You Kong

3. Nickname(s): --> Ah Kong

4. Parents names: -->Father HSL, Mother POY

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: --> Too many

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? --> 19 Aug

7. Pets: --> Dog

9. Hair colour: --> black

10. Piercing: --> none at the moment

11. Tattoos: --> Contemplating

12. How much do you love your job? --> I do it for the $$$

13. Favourite colour: --> Green

14. Hometown: --> Singapore, Ang Mo Kio

15. Current Residence: --> Singapore

16. Favourite food: --> Satay!!!

17. Been to Africa? --> No. Will go on a photographic Safari trip one day.

18. Been toilet papering? --> No comment

19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? --> Almost

20. Been in a car accident? --> Yeah, minor one

22. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite

23. Favourite Movie: The Godfather trilogy

24. Favourite Holiday: New Zealand

25. Favourite day of the week: --> Friday

26. Favourite phrase or word: --> Shiok

27. Favourite Toothpaste: --> Darkie oops Darlie

28. Fav restaurant: --> Tony Romas

29. Fav flower: --> Sunflower

30. Fav drink: --> Black Coffee

31. Favourite sport to watch: --> Moto GP

32. Preferred type of ice cream: --> vanilla

33. Favourite Sesame Street Character: --> Big Bird

34. Disney or Warner Bros: --> Disney

35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant: --> BK, the Whopper ROX

36. When was your last hospital visit? --> 1997

37. What colour is your bedroom carpet? --> No carpet in my room

38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? --> Nope

39. The last person you got email from before this? ---> Some fellow from ClubSnap

40. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? --> Cathay Photo

41. What do you do most often when you are bored? --> Go for a walk.

42. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? --> Boomi, Thailand, Bangkok

43. Most annoying thing people ask me: --> When u get girlfriend

44. Bedtime: --> usually around 12

45. Who will respond the quickest? --> None

46. Who is the least likely to respond: --> Bo Chap pple

47. Favourite all time TV show: --> The Supranos

48. Last person you went out for lunch with: --> Robert

49. Last Movie you saw: --> The Transporter(SUX)

50. What color pants are you wearing right now? Blue

51. What are you listening to right now? Radio music

52. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home? ---> 8038

53. What was the last thing you ate?---> Indian Rojak

54. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?---> Green

55. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?---> Paris France

56. How is the weather right now?---> damn *&*(&% hot!

57. Last person you spoke to on the phone?---> Dad

58 What's the first thing you notice about the opposite (same) sex? ---> Body shape

59. Do you like the person that sent you this? ---> OK lar

60. How are you today? ---> Fine

61. Your favorite alcoholic drink? ---> Carlsberg

62. How do you eat an Oreo?---> Just the biskut

63. What's the next CD you're going to buy?---> Dunno

64. What color are your eyes?---> black

65. Do you wear contacts? ---> No

66. Siblings & their ages? Confidential

67. Favorite month? ---> Dec, bonus time baby!!!!

68. Favorite day of the year? ---> Chines new year eve

69. Are you shy to ask someone out? ---> Yeah.....

70. Do you like scary or happy movies better? ---> Scary

71. Summer or Winter?---> Winter

72. Hugs or Kisses? ---> Kiss

73. Relationship or one night stands? ---> relationship.

74. Chocolate or Vanilla?---> Vanilla

75. Do you want your friends to write back? ---> Yeah

1. What time is it? 0947hrs...just had breaky

3. Nickname(s): --> None

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: did not have one

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? --> 20 Aug

7. Pets: --> None

9. Hair colour: --> Black

10. Piercing: --> Not any more

11. Tattoos: --> Yes, 2

12. How much do you love your job? --> Been at it for 3 years and still loving it.

13. Favourite colour: --> Orange

14. Hometown: --> Singapore

15. Current Residence: --> Serangoon, Singapore

16. Favourite food: --> Pasta

17. Been to Africa? --> Nope

18. Been toilet papering? --> Yes

19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? --> Yes :(

20. Been in a car accident? --> Yeah...but nothing serious.

22. Sprite or 7UP? Neither .... yucks....

23. Favourite Movie: Snatch

24. Favourite Holiday: Backpacking the outbacks of Australia

25. Favourite day of the week: --> None in particular

26. Favourite phrase or word: --> "F@#kin' Dodgy"

27. Favourite Toothpaste: --> Aquafreash

28. Fav restaurant: --> Tung Lok Sharkfins Restaurant

29. Fav flower: --> Daisies

30. Fav drink: --> Beer

31. Favourite sport to watch: --> Soccer(EPL, La Liga, Serie A)

32. Preferred type of ice cream: --> yucks

33. Favourite Sesame Street Character: --> Ernie

34. Disney or Warner Bros: --> WB

35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant: --> Subway

36. When was your last hospital visit? --> can't remember

37. What colour is your bedroom carpet? --> N.A

38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? --> No (touch wood)

39. The last person you got email from before this? ---> Friend from Australia

40. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? --> Cash is the way to go

41. What do you do most often when you are bored? --> Read

42. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? --> Yannick in Canada

43. Most annoying thing people ask me: --> Why are you not married/ planning to get married yet?

44. Bedtime: --> try 11... but not on weekends

45. Who will respond the quickest? --> :dunno:

46. Who is the least likely to respond: --> :dunno:

47. Favourite all time TV show: --> Allo Allo

48. Last person you went out for lunch with: --> Colleague

49. Last Movie you saw: --> The Transporter

50. What color pants are you wearing right now?--> Huh? Pants? Now?

51. What are you listening to right now?--> alternative (suede)

52. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home? ---> 0435

53. What was the last thing you ate?---> Nasi lemak for breaky

54. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?---> Orange

55. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?---> South America- Chili, Argentina, Rio de Janeiro

56. How is the weather right now?---> Hot & humid

57. Last person you spoke to on the phone?---> My granny

58. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite (same) sex? ---> eyes

59. Do you like the person that sent you this? ---> WDF????

60. How are you today? ---> Energetic

61. Your favorite alcoholic drink? ---> Beer ,beer, beer

62. How do you eat an Oreo?---> swallow it whole

63. What's the next CD you're going to buy?---> none (kazaa.com the way to go)

64. What color are your eyes?---> black

65. Do you wear contacts? ---> yes

66. Siblings & their ages? Only child

67. Favorite month? ---> August

68. Favorite day of the year? ---> Don't have one

69. Are you shy to ask someone out? ---> yup

70. Do you like scary or happy movies better? ---> Brit comedies

71. Summer or Winter?---> Summer!!

72. Hugs or Kisses? ---> one complements the other....

73. Relationship or one night stands? ---> neither

74. Chocolate or Vanilla?---> Chocolate

75. Do you want your friends to write back? ---> don't matter

-under suspicion-
*sniffs* [on alert]
"Who are you?"
"A Stranger!"
"I do not wish to get to know you!"
"Stay away from my owner!"
"Be far away from me."
"Don't push your luck else I'd BITE!"

In reality, I am just an adorable maltesespitz, one of the surviving Princess, who is always in search of more affection from my human friends. No matter how long I have to wait for her each time, I will do it. When she appears, I will not surpress my joy. Unable to control my excitement in seeing her each time, I ask to be heard in my high pitch tone without fail. Though I wonder every now and then if she actually understands my stories.

I will always love her the way the way the reciprocated love has been.

:) :p ;) :angel:

1. What time is it? 12.05am
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Jonathan Soh Choon Beng

3. Nickname(s): --> JaDe

4. Parents names: --> -

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: --> 17

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? --> 23 sept

7. Pets: --> Love to have Husky

9. Hair colour: --> Brown

10. Piercing: --> Enlarge 8mm earhole followed by another n 1 more on top of ear, lips piercing

11. Tattoos: --> after NS

12. How much do you love your job? --> Average

13. Favourite colour: --> Yellow

14. Hometown: --> Singapore

15. Current Residence: --> Singapore

16. Favourite food: --> Double Whopper

17. Been to Africa? --> nope

18. Been toilet papering? --> ?

19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? --> Yep

20. Been in a car accident? --> Nope

22. Sprite or 7UP? Milk

23. Favourite Movie: Queen of the damned

24. Favourite Holiday: Hongkong

25. Favourite day of the week: --> Saturday Night

26. Favourite phrase or word: --> the F word

27. Favourite Toothpaste: --> Darlie

28. Fav restaurant: --> Sizzler

29. Fav flower: --> Sunflower

30. Fav drink: --> Myoplex low carb

31. Favourite sport to watch: --> NBA, NHL and Wrestling

32. Preferred type of ice cream: --> love 'em All

33. Favourite Sesame Street Character: --> Cookie monster

34. Disney or Warner Bros: --> Warner Bros

35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant: --> Burger King

36. When was your last hospital visit? --> August 2002

37. What colour is your bedroom carpet? --> None

38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? --> Nope

39. The last person you got email from before this? ---> Kick-boxing instructor

40. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? --> Armani

41. What do you do most often when you are bored? --> Read

42. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? --> Justie in perth

43. Most annoying thing people ask me: --> None

44. Bedtime: --> 2am

45. Who will respond the quickest? --> ?

46. Who is the least likely to respond: --> All...

47. Favourite all time TV show: --> Smackdown

48. Last person you went out for lunch with: --> Bavis

49. Last Movie you saw: --> XXX

50. What color pants are you wearing right now? Red

51. What are you listening to right now? Feuer Frei

52. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home? ---> 6230

53. What was the last thing you ate?---> 1litre of milk

54. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?---> Yellow

55. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?---> Rome

56. How is the weather right now?---> Warm!

57. Last person you spoke to on the phone?---> Bavis

58. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite (same) sex? ---> Features

59. Do you like the person that sent you this? ---> ?

60. How are you today? ---> Same old me

61. Your favorite alcoholic drink? ---> None

62. How do you eat an Oreo?---> Plain

63. What's the next CD you're going to buy?---> KISS box set

64. What color are your eyes?---> black

65. Do you wear contacts? ---> No

66. Siblings & their ages? 13 year old younger bro

67. Favorite month? ---> None

68. Favorite day of the year? ---> None

69. Are you shy to ask someone out? ---> Most certainly

70. Do you like scary or happy movies better? ---> Still the same

71. Summer or Winter?---> Winter

72. Hugs or Kisses? ---> both

73. Relationship or one night stands? ---> ONS

74. Chocolate or Vanilla?---> Chocolate

75. Do you want your friends to write back? ---> Nahz

1. What time is it? 10:58pm

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Yeo Lyndy

3. Nickname(s):
4. Parents names:
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake:
6. Date that you regularly blow them out?
7. Pets:

9. Hair colour: --> black brown streaked blonde

10. Piercing:
11. Tattoos:

12. How much do you love your job? hate it

13. Favourite colour:
14. Hometown:
15. Current Residence:
16. Favourite food:
17. Been to Africa?
18. Been toilet papering?
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?
20. Been in a car accident?
22. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite

23. Favourite Movie: Grease

24. Favourite Holiday: to the USA

25. Favourite day of the week:
26. Favourite phrase or word:
27. Favourite Toothpaste:
28. Fav restaurant:

29. Fav flower: Blue roses

30. Fav drink:
31. Favourite sport to watch:
32. Preferred type of ice cream:
33. Favourite Sesame Street Character:
34. Disney or Warner Bros:
35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant:
36. When was your last hospital visit?

37. What colour is your bedroom carpet? shades of brown

38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
39. The last person you got email from before this?
40. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

41. What do you do most often when you are bored? work out

42. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest?

43. Most annoying thing people ask me: What is your name?

44. Bedtime:
45. Who will respond the quickest?
46. Who is the least likely to respond:
47. Favourite all time TV show:
48. Last person you went out for lunch with:
49. Last Movie you saw:
50. What color pants are you wearing right now?
51. What are you listening to right now?
52. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home?
53. What was the last thing you ate?
54. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

55. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? Las Vegas

56. How is the weather right now?
57. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

58. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite (same) sex? ---> face(height)

59. Do you like the person that sent you this?
60. How are you today?
61. Your favorite alcoholic drink?
62. How do you eat an Oreo?

63. What's the next CD you're going to buy? Britney's

64. What color are your eyes?
65. Do you wear contacts?
66. Siblings & their ages?
67. Favorite month?
68. Favorite day of the year?
69. Are you shy to ask someone out?
70. Do you like scary or happy movies better?
71. Summer or Winter?
72. Hugs or Kisses?
73. Relationship or one night stands?
74. Chocolate or Vanilla?
75. Do you want your friends to write back?

You're a weird person up there...haha...BUT where do u work out ?

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