Learning Product Photography


New Member
Apr 25, 2011

I have some interest in Product Photograpy and wants to learn how to make a product look good.
Hopefully, I will be able to produce, or rather, imitate the quality of commercial product posters. Haha ;p kind of far-fetched but worth the learning experience I guess.

Recently, I tried to shoot my new watch which is a present from a loved one.
Sharing them with you guys here and hopefully there will be more stuff to share in the future.


Nautica Watch by syphrix photography, on Flickr


Close-up by syphrix photography, on Flickr


NAUTICA by syphrix photography, on Flickr

That's all for now.
Thanks for viewing! :)
Oh, and any comments are welcomed.

Hi, do you have a mini light studio that you use to shoot the product? What light studio do you use?

Hi, do you have a mini light studio that you use to shoot the product? What light studio do you use?


Sorry for the late reply.
I missed out your post. Sorry about that.

I used 2 speedlights (normal flash) and some diffusers/reflectors for these watch photos.