how to include small pics into big main pic nicely in PS?

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Senior Member
Nov 9, 2004

referring to those poster like pics where the singer's pic is very big and then have small pics around the big main pic....

how to include the small pics making the small pics not look like kanna pasted there....
i bascially open a big pic and then resize 2 to 3 small pics and pasted on the empty space of the large main pic thru using 2nd and 3rd layer etc...

but looked ugly.... cause the transition of 2nd and 3rd layer pic is not small...
how to add those blurrly cloud like stuff to make the outline of 2nd and 3rd layer pics not look so ugly?

kindly advise on how to integrate 3 to 4 pics into one....


I think you need to adjust the opacity of the layers and change the blending modes...

Use gradient masking or just use eraser with a big soft brush to erase the sides.

sorry ah... how to apply gradient masking ?

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