how to do selective coloring?

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Nov 3, 2005
how to do selective coloring? someone posted a tutorial in this forum before, i searched for it but just couldn't find it. does anyone still have the link? or can someone tell me how to do it? thx a million....:sweat:

Convert to b n w, then use history brush.

What is selective colouring?

You mean like changing the yellow autumn leaves to blue?
That you can use HSV filter. Check out Adobe's Help. (Press F1)

You could use the pen tool to select also... Think it's quite cool & not hard to use...

I feel all selection techniques have their respective learning curve and needs practice. The pen tool is great if you can master it!

Wah, thanks to all who responded. as my horn is really green, how to use the history brush? and also the wonderful pen tool? is there any tutorial somewhere to follow? me blur blur leh. ;p

U can just play around with the pen tool. It's not THAT hard la... at least, not to me. Turns out quite fun! Haha!

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