History of local architecture photography


New Member
Jun 1, 2008

I'm hoping to get in touch with some old timers who are in the local architectural photography business. I'm a NUS Architecture student writing a dissertation on archi photography.

The premise is that archi photography first developed together with Modernism, and it was a mutually beneficial relationship which fed off each other. Certain photo conventions were established then and passed on till today, namely the celebration of volumetric forms in light and clarity.

I am interested in how are these conventions applied to the representation of tropical architecture. Where things are cast in shade and not necessarily "photogenic". The contrast in such representations has been beautifully expressed in this writing "In Praise of Shadows" by Junichiro Tanizaki.

Hence, I'm wondering if there are any archi photographers who have grappled with this issue here? Or anyone who knows of photographers documenting works from about the 1920s to 1970s, before the advent of airconditioning meant that we started living in mostly glass boxes and this discourse started to lose its relevance?

wow,very deep.

1920s? still alive meh?

I know there is a guy in Safra Photo club always developing b/w archi photos in the darkroom.