Group Photo Inculding Feet?

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Senior Member
Nov 30, 2004
If taking group photo, is it a must to frame the whole body from head to feet?
Or frame from head till knee will do?

It depends quite a bit on the group size/

Hmm why do u ask? did someone have a different opinion from yours?
I think rules never last in photography

If they not wearing shoes, of course don't take the feet.

Don't chop off at the joints (ankles, knees).

Whatever framing, you have to decide for yourself if it works for that particular group or situation.

How much empty space around your subjects?
Do you want to include background/foreground, etc?

There are no "must" rules applying to all situations in photography (pertaining to composition).

If it is a big group, their feet would look rather small compared to the whole photo, so i feel it is ok to include their feet.

of course, it also depends how u want to portray them. a closer-up shot w/o their feet may work fine too. :)

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