Glimpse of Hope

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New Member
Sep 28, 2006

As night begins to fall, a young child runs along a path, to get a glimpse of hope from the sunset, after a long day in the fields.

this is taken by my casio point and shoot which has the 'red filter' function.
it's post processed. but i'm not sure if its too contrasted.

also, any suggestions on how to improve the feel of the image. i've tried bnw but it didn't really worked out to be as warm as i wanted it to be.

thank you for all ur critiques. :)

Nice concept. Pity the highlights are blown. Could have cropped out the left and right part of the trees which are redundant.

if i'd cropped, it'll look kinda improportionate.. coz i didn't want to cut the land nor sky. ahhaa. :) just my thoughts .. but thats for ur comment ! :)

nice... have a theatrical feel to it...reminds me of forest gump....;)
tot would be nicer to have a tighter crop...personal opinion.

i think this picture is beautiful. :)

i like the warm feel i get from it. and i'm not bothered with blown highlights or the need for cropping, as i feel they're unnecessary.

please print and frame it up. it'll be especially meaningful for you if that child is related to you in any way. and thanks for sharing.

this is a hard shot to do w/o blowing the highlights...

personally, i would crop out some of the sky. if i remember correctly...a viewer is naturally drawn towards that space, especially since it's bright. this takes the viewer away from the subject

i wouldnt crop the sides as the dark trees "contain" the viewer, keeping them towards the subject.

i like how you composed the shot, putting the road on a main diagonal and how it directs viewers to the subject and where the subject wants to go.

very nice pic!

yea... if i'd crop the trees... kinda hard to give a close frame of the subject.

thank u all for ur comments. it has really encouraged me..

if i'd rmbr correctly,when i took this shot, i could see only a faint orange ball of light, aka. the sun la. ahha. i wanted best of both worlds and realised that its either this or that, OR, underexpose slightly to get the sun, and push the level for the subject area. ahhaa.

but because i didn't have the luxury of ps at the fields, i think the subject is mroe impt.

any ideas how to at least have a gd attempt of having best of both worlds, w/o the need of photoshop? hahha.

i'm thinking u'd need to use a grad. ND filter. but i dont know how you'd get the trees exposed properly

Please don't mind me, it's only my personal feel and thought of this photo.

It's a very nice taken photo nonetheless, but I think your description give me a 'wrong' kind of feeling. Haha..

The child is running towards the bright light, away from the darkness, yes, it does looks like there is a glimpse of hope, but when you mentioned it's a sunset, then I got the feeling that it's different already.

Sunset, usually means the end of a day, which equally means end of things. Thus, if the child is running towards a sunset, it don't really convey a good message isn't it?

If your description is that the child is running towards a rising morning sun, then yes, the whole new glimpse hope is right in front of the child and your message from the photo would be fantastic.

While I understand you took this shot at sunset, but sometime, if one don't look into the properties info of the photo, no one can tell whether it's sunrise or sunset, right? Hehe...

Looking at the shot, I doubt there would have been time to set up with a ND filter. Seems like a grabshot by the thread-starter? But the elements are wonderful. I like the feel.

Some things to try next time you come across a scene like this. Rapidly meter for the sunset and fire off a shot (silhouette of the human form). Meter for the person and fire off another shot.

That way you could at least have a few versions to choose from.

Please don't mind me, it's only my personal feel and thought of this photo.

The child is running towards the bright light, away from the darkness, yes, it does looks like there is a glimpse of hope, but when you mentioned it's a sunset, then I got the feeling that it's different already.

Sunset, usually means the end of a day, which equally means end of things. Thus, if the child is running towards a sunset, it don't really convey a good message isn't it?

haha. gd point! but.. on another persepective, its like catching the last glimpse of light for the day... its like a 'just in time' feeling. ahha. coz at those villages, light sources dun really come easily. so to just witness the last glimpse of light for the day is rewarding after a long day. :) :)
haha. but gd pt though...

abt using ND filter, ahha. i was using my point and shoot. next time if i'm able to use my slr, i'll definitely try that out. however, i'm not that skillful and quick enough to manage 2 shots with minor different settings to have a 'similar shot' coz the child is runnning! hahah.

but if i'd have enough trng, i'd probably meter the child first then the bg. just my personal opinion. haha. :)

thanks for all ur comments! i'm really learning here man. ahha.

instead of metering the child and then the bg, what you can do is use exposure bracketing. this way combining the pictures later will be easier

As night begins to fall, a young child runs along a path, to get a glimpse of hope from the sunset, after a long day in the fields.

Cut this stuff. Photographs are not universal. Let viewers interpret what they want. What you have done only weakens the photograph.

I would crop the top until it covers the pocket of light coming thru' the leaves near the left edge. Again I would crop the left side where it almost meets the first vertical branch.

Final comment; cropping should be done during shooting.

It's a good photograph! Right place, right time. No distracting colours. Just what I like about grab shots.

I took the liberty to crop it. tell me if you mind


like it like this. better focused

haha. nope i dun mind.

yup, its more focused.. but i think i like the pic as it is as landscape.. as in... personal preference.. :) coz i wanted more 'environment'

Looking at the shot, I doubt there would have been time to set up with a ND filter. Seems like a grabshot by the thread-starter?

usually i walk around with a GND based on the lighting condition. pre anticipating is required.

Some things to try next time you come across a scene like this. Rapidly meter for the sunset and fire off a shot (silhouette of the human form). Meter for the person and fire off another shot.

That way you could at least have a few versions to choose from.

actually with the time frame, it is difficult to do two shots with different metering. moreover focusing is likely at different plane. that will take time too.

i'm using a entry level DSLR (nikon D50) and i find that i can't cope with the speed required to do so many things (meter and focus) that fast. anyone with higher end models can comment if that could be made faster with better controls on higher end models?

Did you take another one that happen to be lower? Mayb with more the sky being crop out and more of the child's shadow?? :)

nope.. i was using my point and shoot and it has probs with e focusing... by the time it was in focused, the child was out of frame already. hahah.

This is a good picture, i could narrate a better story with your version of image.
But i also have to agree that cropping the image does make it more dynamic.
Each version have it's advantage.
And yes, choosing titles are very important. Consider carefully so to bring out the best in your work.

Keep it up!

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