For those who own canon ixus 330, shake it

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Did you all hear a something when u try to shake ur ixus 330? I got a sound which sound like a loosen screw inside.

Then i go AP for a change... and they shake two of their brand new ixus 330, also got such a sound.

Anyone know why got such a sound.


yeah i have it also no matter u shake it x/y direction the sound still same

there's a little man inside, pushing and pulling the lens in/out ;p

Originally posted by TsQ
there's a little man inside, pushing and pulling the lens in/out ;p

make sure don't shake it too much or if the little man dies, then your camera will be also.....;p

Ok.. i know the reason for this... See page 74 in your manual book :)

its just the sensor to detect how the camera is positioned.

how much u pay for 330? I also thinking of joining the 330 family.

Is AP priced the cheapest?

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