Flower in the Night

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New Member
Jan 14, 2008

I'm very noob at this. Saw this flower at SG's housing area and took with my new camera phone. Hope I don't offend anyone by uploading something so noob. Thanks for comments.

Top part is the railing and bottom part is the wall, pretty good image quality in terms of a camera phone. Expecting something different when clicking at the title.

anyways, it's a very common potted plant in SG residential estate, known as the desert rose. i have one right outside my house. lol.

handphone cameras usually is around 35-40mm, with a mostly fixed aperture of f4.

but having this type of quality of picture, and bearing the fact that handphone cameras have really ippecablly small sensors. Sweet. :D

Nice pic but if they is no shadow is better

sorry i mean if there is no shadow is better

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