Errie Lamp


New Member
Aug 4, 2010

1. in what area is critique to be sought?

2. what one hopes to achieve with the piece of work?
The feeling of eerie and also hope to improve and learn more from ppl in here:)

3. under what circumstance is the picture taken? (physical conditions/emotions)
On the way back home and saw this. Find it quite weird and abit scary for it to be hang there so took a shot of it.

4. what the critique seeker personally thinks of the picture
anything and everything that will help me to improve:D

May I ask what is eerie about this picture?

Remember, the light from the lamp only provides light to the pictures ( no light = no photograph ), if there is no subject, there's nothing to be scared about.... hence my question.

In terms of light and darkness, the whole photograph is left-heavy, since the brightest point of photograph is mainly on the left. TS need to think about composition, balance, and subject placement? If you need help, can search around or ask here? ( search first then ask bah ), there are quite alot of helpful resources on the net that deals with this.

Oh by the way, its "eerie".

just look likes a normal lamp on the ground.. no story no feel..

need to work on that first.. don't shoot then try to give a title...

Good attempt, but I feel like it's not dramatic enough. :)
Just my two cents. Also if there's like a white cloth near the lens, I believe it's for some funeral thingy cause i've seen these kinda lamps at weird locations around my estate too!

Thanks for the comment, will take note of it:)

And ya!, there's a white cloth. But i see no funeral nearby..

Ok, so I see a kerosene lamp. So?

Not eerie by any standards.

And there is not enough room to the left of the light.

And no, nothing jumps out at me that looks like a white cloth. Even if there is, your frame made sure it is not conspicuous.

And funerals are not eerie. They are emotional.

1) Try experimenting with different shooting angles. Could the lamp have told a different story if you were to shoot it from bottom?

2) In this case, the sephia PP could probably have destroyed the intended eerie effect.

3) Too little room on the left and too much space of the right. Do not restrict yourself to a few shots.. shoot as much as possible with the many compositions you could think of and choose the one that 'feels right'.