Dry Cabinets For Video Camera / Equipment


New Member
Oct 2, 2013

Video Equipment are expensive and easily damaged by moisture and humidity, so videographers should instil proper storage plans to prolong life span and reduce cost for replacement. Eureka dry cabinet is an effective long term solution which safeguards your equipment against high humidity especially in areas like Singapore.

Humidity is the greatest enemy of videographic equipment. Most commonly causes for breakdown are moldy lens, lens unglued, worn-off coating, aperture failure, focus ring too tight, lens oil leakage, failure to Infinity focus, dirty lens, and damaged coating. These problems occur due to two main factors, erroneous maintenance and incorrect storage environment. Photographic equipment should be stored in an environment with a humidity range between 40 and 50% RH.

Since the lens is so compact and precise, 100% restoration is difficult to be achieved after dismantling your lens for cleaning purposes. Thus, mechanical quality of the lens might suffer as well. (eg. distortion and front/back focusing problem)so most professional videographers use dry cabinets to prolong the life of their expensive lens and equipment.

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