Dry Cabinets for Stamps Collection


New Member
Oct 2, 2013

Stamps are relatively simple objects, consisting of little more than paper, ink, and glue. For this reason, they are highly susceptible to moisture, temperature and other environmental concerns. Even something as simple as sunlight can irreparably damage stamps, not only by causing colours to fade, but by heating up glue and causing it to stick. Any kind of exposure to water can damage stamps, mainly because water is very seldom pure. In other words, water can leave a residue that can cause a chemical reaction in the ink, glue or even the paper that can cause deterioration over time.

Atmospheric factors which affect your collection primarily involve relative humidity and temperature. Try to avoid any drastic fluctuations in either. A change in relative humidity and temperature can cause damage through the uneven expansion or contraction of an item's different layers. So aim for stability in environmental conditions such as storing your albums in a Drycabinet.. Excessive humidity can cause mould growth and gum to become sticky while dryness can make the stamps brittle.

Drycabinets monitor the conditions in which your collection is kept, ensuring good air-flow and controlled humidity!

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