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Sep 3, 2003
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Shot with KM5D + macro100mm f2.8 lens.


refrain from placing same colour types (red/orange) in the background that would demand attention from the main subject (purple). to have a variety of colours in the green background, choose shades of blue/cyan/yellow instead. these colours blend in with green to create a harmonious scene.

actually u already have traces of blue at the top of the frame, i think u can see how it works.

simply... gorgeous except that the subject seems to be too far away to the side...

Andosg said:
simply... gorgeous except that the subject seems to be too far away to the side...

I think he's trying to use the rules of the thirds...

I think the shot would have been stronger if only one of the flowers was in the shot. The one in the background is stealing attention from the one in front.
I find the background too out of focus too. If you had closed down the aperture about 2 stops and given the background a little more detail, the shot may have been stronger. Why? Because the flower (or bud) is, on its own, so plain and simple. Giving the background a little more detail, though still blur, allows the viewer a little more to appreciate than just a mass of greenery.

Thanks for the feedback..
I like this shot because of the color.. the evening sun on the flower..
and the flower on the left is blurred.. this will pull the viewer's attention to the flower on the right.

I have a shot on just the flower itself..


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