Do you clean ur lens pen??

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New Member
Jan 5, 2008
Needed to wash or clean cos over time dust and dirt will built up on the tip right?? of course best is to replace with a new one but jus wonder if it can be clean?

Needed to wash or clean cos over time dust and dirt will built up on the tip right?? of course best is to replace with a new one but jus wonder if it can be clean?

i ever clean one..after washing not effective switch to lens cloth and lens tissue..;)

Needed to wash or clean cos over time dust and dirt will built up on the tip right?? of course best is to replace with a new one but jus wonder if it can be clean?

I thought if u put back the cover.. turn it half round will help u recharge the carbon counpound and remove dust of the cloth? Thats what I read.

I dont think u scan clean yr lens pen, after many use the tip will become harden and not effective to clean anymore.

dunno y sometimes i used the lens pen, it leave stain marks on the len, furthermore my lens pen is new. Use it for the 1st time only. Do u guys use a len cloth to wipe again after using the lens pen ?

dunno y sometimes i used the lens pen, it leave stain marks on the len, furthermore my lens pen is new. Use it for the 1st time only. Do u guys use a len cloth to wipe again after using the lens pen ?
My method:-
1) blower - to blow off any abrasive dust particles
2) lens pen - u know wat's the purpose
3) blower again - to blow off any residual carbon compound (fr lens pen)
4) lens cloth - to wipe off any leftover stains (oil, finger prints...)

Needed to wash or clean cos over time dust and dirt will built up on the tip right?? of course best is to replace with a new one but jus wonder if it can be clean?

no, you don't clean it, neither are you supposed to?

thanks i know how to optimise the lenspen...

you throw it away after it is no longer effective. you are not supposed to clean & re-use.

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