Comparison shots for Olympus B300 vs the new TCON17!

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TCON17 seems to perform as well or even slightly better than B300.

How much is the TCON 17 ?

The TCON17 images seem a bit sharper. Price is US$115 + US$20 shipping by airmail at the said website.

Is it available in sg yet?

Seems the same except for the crop of the orange notice, which may actually be a case of slight focusing difference since the rest of the tests are relatively inconclusive.

Taking into account sample-to-sample variance, they seem to be identical.

agree with Zerstorer. It could also be camera shake as well. IS or no, 646mm equivalent (380x1.7) is quite a handful even during day time conditions.

Hmm... I wonder why they didn't push up the magnification factor? I'm guessing that they merely made use of the B300's blueprint to cut costs, which probably explains the identical specs.

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