Compact Camera ? Any good recommendation.


New Member
Jun 16, 2007

I'm asking if there are any good recommendation for compact cameras, i.e. point and shoot. Picture quality is the main criteria.


I am afraid I can't think of any.

Maybe you can try this link and enter your criteria for a camera to help list down the various models you can consider.

Off hand, some CSers here use LX3 from Panasonic. You can take a look at that, but its already 2 years old, that camera.

Hope you find the ideal camera.


Ricoh GRD3


I'm asking if there are any good recommendation for compact cameras, i.e. point and shoot. Picture quality is the main criteria.


Much depends on level of acceptance u have for a good pic quality..

And the budget u have and the fucntions u sought after etc..

to list a few (though options are plenty) : Pansonic LX3, Canon S90, Nikon S8000, Sony T series.. all give decent pic qualities..

Advice to u is to narrow down to a few and read up review online and start comparing them against ur other criteria like budget, accessories options, looks, functions etc..

HTH :)

Samsung EX1, Canon S90, Panasonic LX3.

Thanks for the advise, everybody.

Another criteria is also need to have some of manual control.

Appreciate your advise. Thx!