Changi Road Closure

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New Member
Feb 2, 2004
Amongst the favourite spot for aviation photographers like me. But authorities closed it thinking someone with shoulder launched missle could shoot planes down from there. Thats dumb ! How in the world do you carry such a weapon into singapore ?!

If the threat is so great, why isn't airports all around the world enforcing a ground zero about 20 km around the airport ? Its always why why why... why not? what ifs...?

If say someone reckons you can bring a shoulder missle launcher, than anyone can bring a gun into singapore. So if thats the case why aren't there any metal detectors at mediacorp building ? or banks ? or hotels ? or CBD buildings ?

Jackal said:
Amongst the favourite spot for aviation photographers like me. But authorities closed it thinking someone with shoulder launched missle could shoot planes down from there. Thats dumb ! How in the world do you carry such a weapon into singapore ?!

If the threat is so great, why isn't airports all around the world enforcing a ground zero about 20 km around the airport ? Its always why why why... why not? what ifs...?

If say someone reckons you can bring a shoulder missle launcher, than anyone can bring a gun into singapore. So if thats the case why aren't there any metal detectors at mediacorp building ? or banks ? or hotels ? or CBD buildings ?
How do u know that the road closure is because of what u've said?

Kit said:
It was in the papers a few days ago. Road will be closed for security reasons.
U mean they really mentioned about shoulder launcher? If so, East Coast Park will have to be closed too as we can have a clear view of approaching planes. :dunno:

Barrios said:
U mean they really mentioned about shoulder launcher? If so, East Coast Park will have to be closed too as we can have a clear view of approaching planes. :dunno:

I think we should move to mars in that case .... Its just an stunt to polish the shoes of our fellow american counterparts that the terrorist threat prevention is in place. In that case we should shut down schools... anything thats got to do with mass gathering. Potential suicide bomber threat.

Barrios said:
U mean they really mentioned about shoulder launcher? If so, East Coast Park will have to be closed too as we can have a clear view of approaching planes. :dunno:

The launcher part is the thread starter's own interpretation of the story I guess. But officially, its for security reasons.

Kit said:
The launcher part is the thread starter's own interpretation of the story I guess. But officially, its for security reasons.
Ah.....coz I know that Asian Aerospace is going to be held in Changi from 24-29 Feb.

Jackal said:
I think we should move to mars in that case .... Its just an stunt to polish the shoes of our fellow american counterparts that the terrorist threat prevention is in place. In that case we should shut down schools... anything thats got to do with mass gathering. Potential suicide bomber threat.

Erm, security measures are to ensure the safety of the general public. No doubt, there will be some restrictions but not to the extend of disrupting normality.

Kit said:
The launcher part is the thread starter's own interpretation of the story I guess. But officially, its for security reasons.

actually this what they mention on the papers. I didn't make up the launcher part.

Jackal said:
actually this what they mention on the papers. I didn't make up the launcher part.

Really? Well, given the curent situation, a little more safety measure in place wouldn't hurt too. Changi airport is an important air travel facility in the region. Sacrificing some photo opportunities is nothing compared to a potential disaster.

Never underestimate the resources and resolve of a terrorist. Complacency is fatal. If you think they can't smuggle weapons into Singapore. Ask who will expect them to hi-jack a few planes and fly them into buildings before 911.

Kit said:
Erm, security measures are to ensure the safety of the general public. No doubt, there will be some restrictions but not to the extend of disrupting normality.

yes I understand. While safety shouldn't be compromised at anytime there is a certain limit towards being so paranoid over such an issue. The reason they gave for the road closure was somewhat not realistic. Because if terrorist manage to smuggle such a weapon, why not smuggle uranium and create a nuclear bomb ? or release it in public ? a shoulder launcher is quite a huge object whilst 1kg of anthrax is peanuts.

If they have such a capability, I believe they have ways to breach the perimeter of the airport, go up to 1 of the planes, fly it and crash it like they did in 9/11. Its just an example. There are many possible senarios and I don't presume to know all of them.

Jackal said:
yes I understand. While safety shouldn't be compromised at anytime there is a certain limit towards being so paranoid over such an issue. The reason they gave for the road closure was somewhat not realistic. Because if terrorist manage to smuggle such a weapon, why not smuggle uranium and create a nuclear bomb ? or release it in public ? a shoulder launcher is quite a huge object whilst 1kg of anthrax is peanuts.

If they have such a capability, I believe they have ways to breach the perimeter of the airport, go up to 1 of the planes, fly it and crash it like they did in 9/11. Its just an example. There are many possible senarios and I don't presume to know all of them.

So you think just because there are thousands of ways to breach security, we shouldn't make the effort to do anything no matter how minor that is??

No mention of road closure at Changi from the LTA website. :dunno:

Kit said:
Really? Well, given the curent situation, a little more safety measure in place wouldn't hurt too. Changi airport is an important air travel facility in the region. Sacrificing some photo opportunities is nothing compared to a potential disaster.

Never underestimate the resources and resolve of a terrorist. Complacency is fatal. If you think they can't smuggle weapons into Singapore. Ask who will expect them to hi-jack a few planes and fly them into buildings before 911.

Its easlier to hijack a plane prior to 9/11 than smuggling a launcher into singapore. Gotta be practical here. Right now I can breach the perimeter of changi airport as far as the cargo terminal before some employees realise I'm not supposed to be there. So do you think after what I did, they are gonna have prowlers prowling the perimeter ?

Launchers don't pack a heck amount of damage anyway. Either heat eeking or Infra Red. engines usually attract the missles and depending on the damage, planes of this manitude can withstand such a hit. Terrorist knows this very well because they fired 1 at a C5 Galaxy and it landed suffering a scratch on its engine.

Why kill a hundred when you can destroy thousands ? Isn't that the objective of terrorist when 9/11 happened ?

well to each his/her own. This my perspective on the whole issue.

West_ray said:
r they closing it permanently or temp???

permanent dude ........

Kit said:
So you think just because there are thousands of ways to breach security, we shouldn't make the effort to do anything no matter how minor that is??

You know kit ... maybe you should make the effort to hire some bodyguards because a minority of singaporeans are victims to robberies

Jackal said:
Its easlier to hijack a plane prior to 9/11 than smuggling a launcher into singapore. Gotta be practical here. Right now I can breach the perimeter of changi airport as far as the cargo terminal before some employees realise I'm not supposed to be there. So do you think after what I did, they are gonna have prowlers prowling the perimeter ?

Launchers don't pack a heck amount of damage anyway. Either heat eeking or Infra Red. engines usually attract the missles and depending on the damage, planes of this manitude can withstand such a hit. Terrorist knows this very well because they fired 1 at a C5 Galaxy and it landed suffering a scratch on its engine.

Why kill a hundred when you can destroy thousands ? Isn't that the objective of terrorist when 9/11 happened ?

well to each his/her own. This my perspective on the whole issue.

So you are saying that because there are so many big holes around, smaller holes shouldn't be mend simply because they're not big enough?

I don't see what this fuss is all about. Some photographers lost their spot....... big deal...

Kit said:
So you are saying that because there are so many big holes around, smaller holes shouldn't be mend simply because they're not big enough?

I don't see what this fuss is all about. Some photographers lost their spot....... big deal...

Like I said ... go hire some bodyguards .... don't you think its a loop hole in the security of your home ? lots of psycho killers on the prowl....

hmm ok So whereabout do you suggest all the aviation photographers who come from all over the world could be the best location for aviation photography ? I would love for you to tell the thousands what you just said. Not such a big deal right ?

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