Calcium Carbide plus Water

What else could they have used to extinguish a fire of this magnitude? .......................... Lemonade? :bsmilie:

Better choice maybe Foam. Remove the heat, the fuel, the air/oxygen and wait till the fuel deplete. Guess work.. any expert here????

China will someday get past all the quality control and shoddiness that is in their industries today but even then accidents and the such will still happen. It is only a matter of time to get a few generations under the belt to get rid of that country bumpkin edge they have now. I say this because looking at an early powerhouse America you had the same kind of huge industrial accidents like this explosion. We have evolved into just poisoning giant swaths of land/water like the Gulf of Mexico and the river that is currently full of old gold mining chemicals toxic as all get out. The Budweiser beer bottle plant in my town routinely ejects crap out their stacks that settles back down to the ground as white ash and man you ought to smell that stuff....gross. I would LOL if it was funny.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. It is journey to 1st world nation. They can learn from the rest who have gone thru.

Sad and bitter journey!

That's how Vietcongs brought down the mighty American soldiers.

With calcium carbide rocket!