buy 1x256mb or 2x128mb smart media card?

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Jan 21, 2002
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Asumming the price of each options is equal. Are higher capacity sm card (same brand) slower in access speed?
Of cos, there is the advantage that if one card spoilt, u still got one, though with 2 cards the chance of fault is twice that of one card....(hmmm..)

I don't know specifically about smart media, but for compact flash, yes, a smaller card is usually slightly (very marginal) faster. The issue is with two cards, you are less likely to lose all the precious images you've accumulated should something happen. You also have twice the chance of losing half your images than losing them all, approximately anyway since there are a multitude of factors to consider. It's an executive decision really.

Originally posted by mpenza
you have a simple choice - 2x 128MB smart media. cos there's no 256MB smart media yet.
hehheh, sorry, i didn't think hard b4 posting this. :embrass:

i want to get a 128 mb sm but dunnoe which brand and where to get. Any suggestions?

most pple go for compactflash....

Originally posted by franciskc
most pple go for compactflash....

I've always thought that when ppl choose camera, they dun bother with the media cos its either cf or sm (or sony which is in another category of its own).
For example, alot of ppl go for olympus cos of the camera features itself. I'm sure these ppl would still choose olympus if it uses cf instead of sm.

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