boundary of text

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Senior Member
Apr 27, 2004
東京 Tokyo
Boundary of Text 1






-closes his eyes, crosses his fingers to pray that eikin has stopped posted [not because he doesn't want to see more, but because he's dying to ask something]-

What does "boundary of text" mean? I'm getting the idea that you mean textures! =) Love the way you manipulate the light to fall across the tree bark? btw. :thumbsup:

read up on Semiotics :)

doesn't matter if you don't see anything in the pictures, they aren't representative, they are there to ask what you see

Its like a Rorschach test with tree barks ! :think:


The fingers of a hand (the lighter lines)


A foetus in the womb.

Can't see anything in the rest.I think eikin is psychoanalysing us.:dunno:

I think he's trying to make a statement with regards to the light. I'm still looking at the before and after since I just realised they are the same with more light in funny directions.

I mean, since he took the trouble, should be worth some time! =D

First one - I see a couple holding hands, well, headless couple, anyways.
Second one - two friends on each others shoulders, with one's head just in the corner of the light.
Fourth one - of all things, Porky the Pig from Loony Tunes. I think if this was a Roscharsch test it'd reflect a deprieved childhood or something already.. =D

Third and fifth can't see! What do you see, eikin? =D


hey guys, don't stress yourself up and think too hard, don't spoil the feeling you get :)

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