Bounce Card Angle

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
been trying out bounce flash...
also made a simple bounce card out of white cardboard and velcro.

But then, how does the tilt angle of the flash affect the bounce effect (not on ceiling, on card)? I've seen some tilting 90 degrees up, some 45 degrees. Also, should the bounce card be parallel to the flash head, or should it concave slightly?

Yah I know I could have tried all the above out...but got a report to do and exams to study for, no time. :( So any kind souls have insights to share on the above? Thanks!

Originally posted by Tweek
been trying out bounce flash...
also made a simple bounce card out of white cardboard and velcro.

But then, how does the tilt angle of the flash affect the bounce effect (not on ceiling, on card)? I've seen some tilting 90 degrees up, some 45 degrees. Also, should the bounce card be parallel to the flash head, or should it concave slightly?

Yah I know I could have tried all the above out...but got a report to do and exams to study for, no time. :( So any kind souls have insights to share on the above? Thanks!

2 ways.

1. Bounce card parallel to flash head. Tilt 60-75° towards ceiling (you need the ceiling's help here). Gives very good results.

2. Flash head straight up, bounce card at 45° from vertical, facing front.

See which one you like.


go study first lah ;p bounce later ;p

anyway, home is not a good place to try out a bounce card... cos the ceiling is low and usually light in color.

anyway, for the bounce card, you might want to crush some aluminium foil and stick onto it. it helps to diffuse the light. rueyloon mentioned before if I'm not wrong.

Originally posted by ckiang

2 ways.

1. Bounce card parallel to flash head. Tilt 60-75° towards ceiling (you need the ceiling's help here). Gives very good results.

2. Flash head straight up, bounce card at 45° from vertical, facing front.

Ok...will try and see the diff when I have the time, thanks ckiang. So a parallel bounce card and a 90 degrees tilt won't help much right? And, in an environment where ceiling-bounce is not possible, I can only go for option 2?

this setup work for me: head tilt 90¢X, flash card parallel. + F80 BUILT-IN Flash with diffuser on straight (my flash is SB50DX). No matrix TTL mode, using Standard TTL, No flash compesation...result are great for close portrait - half-body-length portrait of max - 4 -5 person, object distance about 1 - 2m. Zoom focal length of about 85-105. For a bigger group or further distant, i usually use direct flash or dual flash.... so far never fail me except sometimes i forgot to tilt the head back after shooting portrait to party mode --> under exposure.:(

fill-flash another challenge...still learning on flash compesation level and bounce card method.....will need model for outdoor shot.....

Originally posted by Tweek

Ok...will try and see the diff when I have the time, thanks ckiang. So a parallel bounce card and a 90 degrees tilt won't help much right? And, in an environment where ceiling-bounce is not possible, I can only go for option 2?

u will get rid of the harsh shadow form at the back of the object will both angle, but no help if u do not have a second flash unit with diffuser to lighten the shadow found under the nose and lips as well as the backdrop was not well-lid if ur head is tilt 45¢X. I have tried a lot of combo untill i get one right (it very depend on the situation).... i was quite happy that i own a F80+SB50dx combo that let me use dual flash...:)

Sorry I really don't know these:.
1. Cos seen the spec that the flash head of SB50DX can't rotate like SB28, so how do you bounce the flash if taking vertical shots?
2. Do you still suggest bounce flash if the wall and ceiling colour is not white (painted with blue or other funny colors)?
3. Normally flash like SB28 or SB50DX had built in bounce card (I know very small) but is it enough? Or I really need a bigger one? What size is good and of what material?
4. I am using Tamron 28-200 lens on F80. When I use my builtin flash notice the shadow casted when I put the hood on. Will SB50DX solve this? (Using direct flash)

Thats all I can think of for now, always got some new and funny question when ever I pick up my F80. No wonder photography is so fun, you never manage to complete the learning course...

Next time I will post in newbie sections.


Originally posted by Trevor_Tan
Sorry I really don't know these:.
1. Cos seen the spec that the flash head of SB50DX can't rotate like SB28, so how do you bounce the flash if taking vertical shots?
2. Do you still suggest bounce flash if the wall and ceiling colour is not white (painted with blue or other funny colors)?
3. Normally flash like SB28 or SB50DX had built in bounce card (I know very small) but is it enough? Or I really need a bigger one? What size is good and of what material?
4. I am using Tamron 28-200 lens on F80. When I use my builtin flash notice the shadow casted when I put the hood on. Will SB50DX solve this? (Using direct flash)

Thats all I can think of for now, always got some new and funny question when ever I pick up my F80. No wonder photography is so fun, you never manage to complete the learning course...

Next time I will post in newbie sections.

[1]. No choice. Unless you use a flash bracket.

[2]. No. Otherwise you get a colour cast of the wall/ceiling's colour.

[3]. It's only good for adding catchlights to the eyes of your subjects. For better effect, use a large bounce card. The larger, the softer the light (up to practical limits. You wouldn't want to have an A4 size bounce card). 5x7" is a pretty good size.

[4]. Internal flashes are usually blocked by long/big lenses and hoods. External flashes like the 50DX should help since it's taller.


Originally posted by ckiang

[1]. No choice. Unless you use a flash bracket.

[2]. No. Otherwise you get a colour cast of the wall/ceiling's colour.

[3]. It's only good for adding catchlights to the eyes of your subjects. For better effect, use a large bounce card. The larger, the softer the light (up to practical limits. You wouldn't want to have an A4 size bounce card). 5x7" is a pretty good size.

[4]. Internal flashes are usually blocked by long/big lenses and hoods. External flashes like the 50DX should help since it's taller.


Hi CK answered most of ur questions, just to add-on:
1) yes, no choice, but if u can make use of wall reflect or carefully bounced ur card to 'shift' the shadow or brighten the shadow at the back of ur subject, u may soften the shadow

2) No...anyway so far i never encounter funny color ceiling yet...:)

3) FYI, SB50dx DO NOT have a built in card, but in do come a IR cover which can snap on top of the flash when not use. I DIY a postcard size bounce card and trim the bottom so that i can fit into the slot create by the IR cover, no velcro or rubber band required...and my firend thought my SB50 come with a bounce card :)

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