Boat Quay Night Shot

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Boat Quay Night Shot
Comments welcome


Well, actually this is quite a well known tricky situation. The problem lies between the fullerton and the background buildings: have proper exposure on the fullerton and the background buildings will be very much underexposed (cannot see the outline of the buildings except the lights), and vice versa, the fullerton will be overexposed. In this case I think GenXBoi has done a good compromise. As mentioned above the pic needs a little rotation counterclockwise, and I would prefer lesser water (or at least more sky). Nice shot. :)

I think the exposure is ok, maybe just a tad over but at least you can still make out the details. Yes, watch that perspective tilt and I think the bridge is cut off too abruptly. Maybe try this shot again by moving more towards your left to include more of the bridge. You don't really need Suntec City here.

thanks all for the comments especially ziploc. I will try to do better next time.


Ah yes, Kit brought up a very good point. By looking at the framing it looks like your main subject is the fullerton cum bridge, so the fullerton should not be cut off as it is now. Moving to the left is a very good suggestion. :)

Originally posted by ziploc
Ah yes, Kit brought up a very good point. By looking at the framing it looks like your main subject is the fullerton cum bridge, so the fullerton should not be cut off as it is now. Moving to the left is a very good suggestion. :)

Actually, i did thought of moving a little bit more to the left so that the fullerton will not be left out but a lampost is in the way. lol.
I'm quite happy with the result as this is only my first ever night shot. With you guys around giving me such genuine advices, i can only improve, thanks a lot guys.

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