Beach at Gibson Steps

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Senior Member
Jan 21, 2002
Gibson Steps is a flight of stairs leading from Great Ocean Rd down
a beach. Further down the road (and further down the beach...) would
be the famous 12 Apostles, one of the main attraction of the Great
Ocean Road.



Won't comment about the horizon again, but ooo, nice nice.

Damn, Singapore really sucks for landscape shots!

Originally posted by YSLee
Won't comment about the horizon again, but ooo, nice nice.

Damn, Singapore really sucks for landscape shots!

Yup, knew someone will mention abt the horizon again!.... :)


Originally posted by nuts

Yup, knew someone will mention abt the horizon again!.... :)



Beautiful, very nice colours!

It might be better if more of the beach is shown, thereby not cutting off the feet of the 2 beach-strollers. The sky has some allowance to be cut off. ;)

very nice ...

if use more wide angle of the shot would be better ...

Nice shot. Did you stay there long enough to take sunset pictures? I believe it would be very nice also.

I think that you have show a bit too much of the sky. It would be great if the 2 people can be seen as a whole and that the whole pic shift abit to the left.

Either that, it might be better if you "cut" the people off at ard your waist level and have them to a corner ..... just to show how majestic the place look.

Just my $0.02

Yeah, I also think it would be nicer if I managed to get them with their feet... :(
I was actually composing for the scenery when the couple walked into my Canon G1
LCD view... hey not bad .. snap ... look at the preview .... look up ... the couple has walked on....

Thanks all for your comments & advise!


Originally posted by Tweek
Beautiful, very nice colours!

It might be better if more of the beach is shown, thereby not cutting off the feet of the 2 beach-strollers. The sky has some allowance to be cut off. ;)

Originally posted by Bluestrike

I think that you have show a bit too much of the sky. It would be great if the 2 people can be seen as a whole and that the whole pic shift abit to the left.

Originally posted by roygoh
Nice shot. Did you stay there long enough to take sunset pictures? I believe it would be very nice also.

No, I went to the 12 Apostles for sunset pics... When I reached there at abt 8.30pm (the sun sets at abt 9pm),
there were already scores of people with tripods all set & ready :eek:
anyway, the sunset was not spectacular that day... but in any case, I also did not manage to take good pics :(


Originally posted by nuts

No, I went to the 12 Apostles for sunset pics... When I reached there at abt 8.30pm (the sun sets at abt 9pm),
there were already scores of people with tripods all set & ready :eek:
anyway, the sunset was not spectacular that day... but in any case, I also did not manage to take good pics :(


So you were there recently (Nov/Dec 2001)? I was there in May 2001. Was autumn then and the sun set at 5pm at that time of the year!

Was driving on my own along the Great Ocean Rd. So by the time I reached the 12 Apostles was abt 4pm. Missed this Gibson Steps :( Had like only 1 hour to take pics at the 12 Apostles. Most of my shots weren't good as the sun was shining directly at where I was.

Tried going to the Lord Arc George and the London Bridge too but was dark by then :(

The next time I go to Melbourne, I'll make it a point to set aside at least 2 days to take pics along the Great Ocean Road. Esp the 12 Apostles area. Certainly get spoilt for choice in terms of natural landscapes there!

yeah, there in mid Jan 2002.
was actually at Melbourne for only 2 days and
spent abt 6 days along the Great Ocean Rd! :)


Originally posted by KoolBlue

So you were there recently (Nov/Dec 2001)? I was there in May 2001. Was autumn then and the sun set at 5pm at that time of the year!


The next time I go to Melbourne, I'll make it a point to set aside at least 2 days to take pics along the Great Ocean Road. Esp the 12 Apostles area. Certainly get spoilt for choice in terms of natural landscapes there!

The blue sky looks so beautiful....

And btw, pardon me as I don't get it but what about the horizon? How come some of u mention it?

Hi Blitz,

The horizon needs to be leveled (meaning parallel to the top/bottom of the pic). That is the 1st thing people look at on a lanscape pic involving horizon. A slanted horizon looks very unatural as we are used to level horizon in real life, and it would really spoil the pic. Luckily if the shot is digital at least it can be easily corrected in PS... ;)

Originally posted by nuts
yeah, there in mid Jan 2002.
was actually at Melbourne for only 2 days and
spent abt 6 days along the Great Ocean Rd! :)

Wow! :eek: You spent 6 days along the Great Ocean Road??? Fantastic! Maybe I should also do that. Where did u stay along the way? I assume you drove around yourself too?

Besides the Great Ocaen Road, did you manage to go to The Grampians? Another fantastic place for lots of nature and scenery shots. Lots of hiking too! Again, I spent only a day there and it wasn't enough for me to explore and take enough pics.

This pic was taken using my SLR camera. Dunno why the 2 lines appear after I scan.

Anyway, this is how Gibson Steps looks like from the 12 Apostles viewing platform. It was sunset and very cloudy that day, so the pic didn't turn out great. :(


This one is a view of The Grampians from about 2km away.

yup, 4 of us ... my friends did most of the driving tho ;p
stayed 2 nites at YHA in Lorne & 4 nites in an apartment in Princetown
Grampians was in my initial plan, but after taking into account the to-and-fro-time from Princetown, decided to give it a miss.... :(
Most pple would do the Great Ocean Rd in 1-2 days, esp those tour packages (less than 1 day!!)... not my way of enjoying the place :)


Originally posted by KoolBlue

Wow! :eek: You spent 6 days along the Great Ocean Road??? Fantastic! Maybe I should also do that. Where did u stay along the way? I assume you drove around yourself too?

Besides the Great Ocaen Road, did you manage to go to The Grampians? Another fantastic place for lots of nature and scenery shots. Lots of hiking too! Again, I spent only a day there and it wasn't enough for me to explore and take enough pics.

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