asking the right question, please!


Dec 6, 2012
saw these words on the cover of the April issue of TIME.

"How to cure cancer?"

I am thinking.....What we should hv been asking is "How to PREVENT cancer!!!!"

The way we approach a problem is very critical in determining the quality/effectiveness of the solutions that we will obtain.

By asking the first question, we have already lost the initiative. No matter how good your solutions might be, it will still be limited by the boundary you set in first place when you first define your problem. In this case, it is still reactive and the patient would still suffer by going thru the various therapies albeit more effective than what we have now.

By asking the second question instead, you shift forward. Your solution scope expands. It becomes more effective and proactive.

On further thought, the reason why they limit themselves by asking the first question could be that they hv some selfish ulterior motive. By preventing cancer, hospitals would lose revenues, doctors cannot get higher pay, drugs companies cannot reap in huge profit, blah blah blah.


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saw these words on the cover of the latest issue of TIME.

"How to cure cancer?"

I am thinking.....What we should hv been asking is "How to PREVENT cancer!!!!"

The way we approach a problem is very critical in determining the quality/effectiveness of the solutions that we will obtain.

By asking the first question, we have already lost the initiative. No matter how good your solutions might be, it will still be limited by the boundary you set in first place when you first define your problem. In this case, it is still reactive and the patient would still suffer by going thru the various therapies albeit more effective than what we have now.

By asking the second question instead, you shift forward. Your solution scope expands. It becomes more effective and proactive.

On further thought, the reason why they limit themselves by asking the first question could be that they hv some selfish ulterior motive. By preventing cancer, hospitals would lose revenues, doctors cannot get higher pay, drugs companies cannot reap in huge profit, blah blah blah.

I agree. Instead of asking, "How to be rich?"

We should ask, "How to be not poor?"


instead of asking "how to TAKE a photo", we should be asking "how to MAKE a photo" LOL

I agree. Instead of asking, "How to be rich?"

We should ask, "How to be not poor?"


wealth is more than money. it's quality living.

there are plenty of poor people with lots of money.

Okay please transfer $200,000 to my Citibank account No. 91127302167004.


i spent it all on my quality of living. meow.

saw these words on the cover of the April issue of TIME.

"How to cure cancer?"

I am thinking.....What we should hv been asking is "How to PREVENT cancer!!!!"

According to the book "Why we get sick?" There are exactly three ways to prevent cancer - listen closely:

1. Choose your parents wisely. A good number of cancer are hereditary.

2. Do not grow old. The risk of cancer increases significantly with age. Our bodies just get weaker and weaker at fending off bad stuff.

3. Live in caves. Many cancers are clearly correlated with modern living.

Which is why the focus is on cure (or at least subdue it).

According to the book "Why we get sick?" There are exactly three ways to prevent cancer - listen closely:

1. Choose your parents wisely. A good number of cancer are hereditary.

2. Do not grow old. The risk of cancer increases significantly with age. Our bodies just get weaker and weaker at fending off bad stuff.

3. Live in caves. Many cancers are clearly correlated with modern living.

Which is why the focus is on cure (or at least subdue it).

Correlation does not imply causality .

*face palm*

Do you know? 99.9999% of cancer sufferer wear shoes.
Luckily cats don't need to wear shoes.

I prefer the question how to cure cancer to how to prevent cancer.

It is undeniable that both questions are equally important, but given the fact that there are already people suffering from it, I'm more inclined not to "write them off" yet.

As stated by UncleFai the 3 ways to prevent cancer, I am sure there still are people fall between the crack and got cancer anyway.

I'd put more effort to search for the answer how to cure cancer. In conclusion, they are already asking the right question.

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I get your point about asking the right questions. And yes, I am suspcious of Big Pharma too, and some of their self-interest / profit manoeuvres. But, IMO, this is a silly example.

1. so we ONLY talk about prevention? Perhaps then those who are already sufferers can just go away and die quietly?
BOTH questions are valid. Don't demean those working at one end of the solution because you prefer the other.

2. Errr... it wasn't a QUESTION. The cover header is clearly a STATEMENT

Correlation does not imply causality .

*face palm*

Do you know? 99.9999% of cancer sufferer wear shoes.
Luckily cats don't need to wear shoes.

Yes, but causality must have correlation.

In this case, you are free to ask any doctor for their opinion.

sorry I am naive but I am under the impression that you cannot prevent cancer. You just reduce the risk of it.

I have healthy , young , non-smoking, non-drinking friends struck down by various forms of cancer over the years ..... one of them barely 30 years old, fit as a fiddle, healthy lifestyle, marathon runner and suddenly gone in 2 months from liver cancer

One of my oncologist friends told me: cancer is really a class of diseases characterized by malignant cells. It is now known that different cancers are caused by very different things - some are by virus, some by bad chemicals, some by bad genes, still others totally unknown. As such the ways to tackle each can be completely different.

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and radiation too.

sometimes, chemotherapy shrinks and eliminates a tumor, and the cancer....

but causes others to grow.


"How to cure cancer?"
I am thinking.....What we should hv been asking is "How to PREVENT cancer!!!!"

Prevention is better than cure, no doubt about that. But unfortunately preventive measures for chronic issues are never popular to follow in general, making adverse outcomes the real reality of life.

We know the risk factors for diabetes / heart attack / stroke etc etc. How many of us are ready to stick to lifestyle changes ?

" I am not really hungry, but I am sure having that scoop of ice cream will not contribute to anything even though I can have a healthier fruit snack. I dun think I need to go for a run, cause I am sure the walking everyday is enough. I work till 7 or 8 pm, I am so tired to do exercises, I need my weekends to rest. I dun see why I should quit smoking, after all, my grandfather lived to a ripe age of 80 plus and he smokes more than a pack a day! Do not trepidate me doctor, I will never get cancer. "

And the list goes on. . We need to admit to issues and be willing to change from within.

Meanwhile all of us would embrace a cure for cancer.


In before conspiracy cynics from FUD Club accuses pharmaceutical corporations of withholding preventive cancer treatments and supported by unsubstantiated evidences filled full of twisted logic.

Oh wait, too late.

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Are you hoping for a cancer vaccine? Nope, doesn't work that way.

For other things like exercising, avoiding certain chemicals, etc. Everyone generally knows what to do. There are multiple causes of cancer. It is not induced by a pesky micro-organisms like other diseases. Let's look at BBQ food, the grilled black yummy parts.. It is known that there is a link to consumption and stomach cancer. Yet there are still many BBQ outlets open everywhere.

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Are you hoping for a cancer vaccine? Nope, doesn't work that way.

For other things like exercising, avoiding certain chemicals, etc. Everyone generally knows what to do. There are multiple causes of cancer. It is not induced by a pesky micro-organisms like other diseases. Let's look at BBQ food, the grilled black yummy parts.. It is known that there is a link to consumption and stomach cancer. Yet there are still many BBQ outlets open everywhere.

There is (to some degree): Cervical cancer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection appears to be a necessary factor in the development of almost all cases (90+%) of cervical cancer. HPV vaccines effective against the two strains of this large family of viruses that currently cause approximately 70% of cases of cervical cancer have been licensed in the U.S, Canada, Australia, and the EU."