Any of your photos on this site?

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New Member
Mar 20, 2004
La la Land
Just to highlight to anyone who is interested. Anyone has photos on this talent agency's website?

The photos have been marked with their logo. I found one taken by me and another photographer also has one taken by him. The agency didn't seek permisssion to use the photos though. :think:

Just to highlight to anyone who is interested. Anyone has photos on this talent agency's website?

The photos have been marked with their logo. I found one taken by me and another photographer also has one taken by him. The agency didn't seek permisssion to use the photos though. :think:
Looks like I'm not the only one that has an issue with :bsmilie:

Finally, Perspective Models get to experience how it is like to have their pictures used by another modeling management and have their watermarks over the images. give the same explaination to me - the models submitted the images without informing that the images are copyrighted to the original photographer. Claimed that did not know that the images are copyrighted despite the fact there are already watermarks on the images. What the modeling management could have done is to verify if they can really use the images and not just assume that they can.

As I've mentioned to you before, another person looking at the image/portfolio will easily jump into conclusion that the copyright belongs to the person who watermarked the images, in this case, a third party model management and not the photographer.

So, Perspective models, do you buy that irresponsible explaination of theirs? :think:

Old thread dug up -> Here

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Just to highlight to anyone who is interested. Anyone has photos on this talent agency's website?

The photos have been marked with their logo. I found one taken by me and another photographer also has one taken by him. The agency didn't seek permisssion to use the photos though. :think:

thought this issue have been solved?
i have explained, apologised and removed photos that i was told its copy righted.
still not ok?

what else do you want from me?'

let all other photographers read this, cos i was only aware of this thread today.

i did what i had to do, after being told off by photogarphers who say the photos there are theirs, and permission not seek. i also apologised.

so what else can i do for you?

thought this issue have been solved?
i have explained, apologised and removed photos that i was told its copy righted.
still not ok?

what else do you want from me?'

let all other photographers read this, cos i was only aware of this thread today.

i did what i had to do, after being told off by photogarphers who say the photos there are theirs, and permission not seek. i also apologised.

so what else can i do for you?

Whoa dun get so worked up...:sweat:
Okok we get wat u mean :)

Whoa dun get so worked up...:sweat:
Okok we get wat u mean :)

bro, u don't know thw way they email me, like i have commited some big sin.

i already apologised, and i have explained, and i have removed the photos. and to this day, i am still reminding all models not to send me copyrighted photos.

issues solved, but they are creating a storm when there is no wind. how not to get work up.

and for other photographers, except these few, have no issues. cos once they alert me that the photos belong to them, i did the same, explain, apologise, and remove the photos. and me and the photographers became friends. so i don't understand why some people are simply 'different' from the rest of us normal people.

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can't blame the typical singaporean behavior of "like to complain, like to spread" and our herd mentality.. once something happen, people will go dig and find out about the company's background everywhere. I use to think that generation has pass but it has apparently been nurtured into most of our current gens.. :dunno: Myself included sad to say ;p

Anyway take it easy FMTEM, don't vent your anger here and become the scapegoat. As long as you do your due diligence, people will be on your side and the mods will take care of any discriminatory remarks.

Let this forum be a constructive one.

can't blame the typical singaporean behavior of "like to complain, like to spread" and our herd mentality.. once something happen, people will go dig and find out about the company's background everywhere. I use to think that generation has pass but it has apparently been nurtured into most of our current gens.. :dunno: Myself included sad to say ;p

Anyway take it easy FMTEM, don't vent your anger here and become the scapegoat. As long as you do your due diligence, people will be on your side and the mods will take care of any discriminatory remarks.

Let this forum be a constructive one.

thanks for that. but i need to say, i am not venting my anger here. i'm the kind of person who don't start a fight, but when once provoke with no valid reasons, i will retaliate. i will not sit back and let these people throw accusations and not explain properly what exatly is happening, when i already did my part.

its just pure crap.

oh, and i'm the kind who will show my appreciation in whatever way i can.
i will be very very nice to everyone who are normal, nice and sane people.
if they are so nice and friendly, i will treat them double nice.
but if they are being unreasonable, i will not keep quiet and let them do all these.
ask around the models, ask around some photographers.
of cos except a few models who i have black listed cos they **** up my jobs and are rude, and irresponsible.

i can fight with clients over my models, when they are being treated not that good. i rather lose the client and the money, and protect the models. thats me.
so how will i push the blame to the models saying they are the ones at fault for sending me copy righted photos? i simply say some of them might not know they are not allowed to use the photos, or some of them did not get my emails about these copy righted issues.
so don't put words into my mouth.

youhong, kirk, leave me your numbers if you like, and lets meet up and talk about this face to face like an adult. instead of posting all these fire starting posts. i'll be waiting.

bro, u don't know thw way they email me, like i have commited some big sin.

i already apologised, and i have explained, and i have removed the photos. and to this day, i am still reminding all models not to send me copyrighted photos.

It is good to have your side of the story.

I have a suggestion - how about text at the bottom of the page saying some photos are provided by the models, that is used with their permission, and that if it infringes on anyone's copyright, to please contact your agency to have the photos removed (or something to that effect)?

It is good to have your side of the story.

I have a suggestion - how about text at the bottom of the page saying some photos are provided by the models, that is used with their permission, and that if it infringes on anyone's copyright, to please contact your agency to have the photos removed (or something to that effect)?

oh, i made models sign contract forms stating that all photos submitted to me are non copy righted. and cos when my website is ready, the models can upload their own photos u see. so i will state clearly that all photos uploaded by models are declared by them that its not copy righted. but however, if there are still photos that are uploaded to my website without the photographer permission, feel free to inform me, and i will take neccessary actions.

website now going through changes and maintainance. i will add all these in.

thanks for your advise though :)

Do people normally put watermarks on photos given to tfcd models?

for me, i insist on them putting their water mark, cos credits goes to them, if they did the photo shoot for me.
i'm also asking my web designer if he can add in one more page for 'sponsors', so i have get these nice photographers to put their water mark or names there, to show my appreciation.

Lucky this thread not closed yet... :sweatsm:

Maybe mod can put this incident as a sticky? As well as the following thread

The above will serve as a good education to potential model agencies/management or photoshoot organisers wannabes on this copyright issue.

Copy and paste from here...

And more importantly to highlight point #4
I'm just curious whether Perspective Models will buy your explainations, since I've got a similar one from Perspective Models when I sent an email to Perspective Models.

Please, neither do I wish to start war. As much as you wish photographers to stand in your shoes to look at things, I hope you can also understand where we are coming from as well.

It must be a headache receiving tonnes of emails complaining about copyright infringements from various photographers and you get frustrated over it when you see your inbox full of complains at first sight. But please also look at things from our perspective as well - not every photographers are so "free and easy" with their IP - you're unlucky to happen to use my images and I happen to be one "hard to deal with person". The sight of having their images used without consent and what's worst is to have another watermark over the images.

I've told Perspective Models before, a third party who views the images will be easily fooled by the watermark, causing the viewers to assume (or indirectly implied) that the copyright belongs to the "agency/management", which result in unhappiness from the rightful copyright owners. For that, I believe Perspective Models can now understand how I felt now.

But seriously, I hope you can learn something from this experience.

I am not digging only the copyright issue, but more of the responsiblity. I do have issues with other users who used my images without permission. When contacted with some of them, they acknowledged that they did not double check before using without giving a page of text of explainations/excuses/reasons of not knowing and case closed.

Anyway, the following is a good thread to read for you
Models giving photos w/o photographers premission

Similar to my above point, claiming not knowing that the images are Copyrighted are definitely not accepted as an explaination because there are watermarks on the images. The watermarks themselves are reminders to viewers that the images are Copyrighted. Images without watermarks do not mean that the Copyright is being waived either. This is therefore, the reason why I do not buy your explaination or claim of not knowing, in fact, you are shooting yourself on the feet for that. You could have double check with the rightful copyright owner to save yourself from trouble.

Ever wonder what other reputatable modeling agencies do? They HIRE/COMMISSIONED photographers to do portfolio and compcards for their models and not simply use the images the models provide to post on their website. There are good examples here in ClubSNAP itself, just have a look at the <Photoshoots> section of this forum - there are organisers whom are truly professional do the compcards themselves and not simply use any images. For some, they ensure that they get permissions from the rightful copyright owners before posting. And for a handful, simply use without knowing who's the photographers. Finally, a few posts poor quality and low resolution images.

You claimed to be a professional, then show me your professionalism.

Talking about professionalism, seriously, I have emailed multiple infringers before. Your replies are the most unfriendly. I tried to tone down my email very much (relative to my previous "attacks") already. Even Perspective Models did not respond so violently despite my more "aggressive attacks".

As much as you are very "turned off" by the complain emails from me, your words are not very friendly either.

Supporting #3, it is the same for those recording companies. The artists cannot sing or perform their old songs when they changed their recording companies unless their new recording company bought over the copyrights from the previous one. Similarly, a compcard/portfolio is still the IP of the studio/agencies and third parties can't use them. An example I can find is the HOTSTUFF magazine scans - which are copyrighted to HOTSTUFF, and not to the models. (I've tried to enquiry with them, but they didn't really get back to me on their Copyright policies, but I believed that they at most grant the models the licence to use the images for their person uses and not for third parties commercial uses). And since you do not own the copyright of any images, you do not have the right to put your watermarks over you images.

Came across this issue and checked with some of my friends whose photos are featured in the site.
Came to learnt that they (the models) themselve are not even aware that their photos are being used (for website).
They did submit the photos for casting purpose when they received casting call from the agency previously and some of the photos there are really from quite sometime back.

Did seek advise on copyright issue with folks here in CS and realized that it is rather complicated.

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FMTEM, please take note of CS guideline #1

1. Be Nice and Be Civilised - abusing, name-calling, personal attacks on members and/or generally trying to stir up trouble will not be tolerated. Be kind to newbies as they may not know the general flow of the forums. Repeatedly violation of this rule will result in banishment.

i've been watching your posts here and in other threads, your passion for "meeting up over coffee" is a little too passionate, if you know what I mean.

Thank you for your kind attention. :)

seems like those models r taking the CSer for a free ride. next time, u guys watermark their face first before sending to those models!!

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