Anti-WTO Demostration in HK

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New Member
Nov 21, 2004
J.W, Singapore
I guess I was kinda 'fortunate' to experience a demostration when I was in HK. Wasn't there when the 'war' started as we left slightly a few hours before everything began. It was from the news that I got to know how bad it was.


Outside 'United Colors of Benetton'


No Samsung, no Nescafe


The banner group


A group from Korea - taken opposite the street of the hostel I stayed


At Victoria Park



HK Police patrolling


Korean Farmers


'Release our people'


Silent protest


Make poverty history

looks very very underexposed... intentional or wrong gamma?

yeah i agree. they're very very flat

sorry guys but i'm still quite new to photography. so i'll like to ask how do i know whether the pics are underexposed or what? as in... coz i'm using my laptop to review & edit the pics. how do i know what is the optimum brightness/contrast, etc. that i need to set for my laptop monitor so that i can see it correctly? i always have this problem. can anyone help me out? thanks.

taymw said:
sorry guys but i'm still quite new to photography. so i'll like to ask how do i know whether the pics are underexposed or what?

Technically, one can tell by looking at the histogram and see how well the available dynamic range is exploited. But I don't think the pictures are underexposed. Rather, the histograms look quite strange, as if you adjusted the characteristic curves, resulting in posterization.

how do i know what is the optimum brightness/contrast, etc. that i need to set for my laptop monitor so that i can see it correctly?

A first step would be comparing the laptop display with a known good (e.g. calibrated) monitor. Or make a colour/grayscale chart and get it printed on a calibrated machine for comparison.

Technicalities aside, I like the pictures. Also makes an interesting comparison of freedom of assembly in a supposedly communist country, compared to some other countries ...

a good number of possibly good shots didn't get the faces of the people; that loses the personal connection with the viewer.

How did you do the conversion to B/W? I presumed they were taken in colour? You need to work on the conversion, go Google and look up some articles.

sehsuan said:
a good number of possibly good shots didn't get the faces of the people; that loses the personal connection with the viewer.
i agree ... just lack the into your face thingy, no connection

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