[ahblack] Stop and stare...

First time I took a people's photo on the street, I was so nervous as hell and scared, scared that how he will react if he notices me, and how should I react if he notices me. My hands were shaking, and I couldn't get a single frame in focus. In the end he did notice me, and he just simply smiled at me, in which I returned a smile too. At that moment, something sparks inside of me. I still haven't figure it out what was that. I pushed myself to try again, again and again. After a few more misery attempts... I think I'm starting to get a hold on something, a feeling. Sometimes after a few snaps and when I tried to walk away, it pulled me back, and said, "stop, and look closer..."

So it begins, my street photography...

P.S. I'm awfully new in street photography, so constructive criticism and comment are very much welcomed!!

Enjoyed your black and white rendition of the street scenes. Like you, I don't have the guts to snap pictures of people on the streets for fear of them making a scene.


Enjoyed your black and white rendition of the street scenes. Like you, I don't have the guts to snap pictures of people on the streets for fear of them making a scene.


Well it takes certain courage to do it, and some good judgement as not all people are friendly. I'm quite lucky to say I have yet to meet someone who make a scene out of me haha...