A Riddle For You - Post answers

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Since Darren asked job interview question ... here's a tricky riddle for you!

It's something that never comes! If it comes, it never stays as it is! Nobody has seen it. Nobody will ever see it!

What's it?!

Originally posted by RuthBaby
Since Darren asked job interview question ... here's a tricky riddle for you!

It's something that never comes! If it comes, it never stays as it is! Nobody has seen it. Nobody will ever see it!

What's it?!

the right time?:dunno:

the right time never comes, it never stays still, no one can see time?

It's something that never comes. If it comes, it never stays as it is. Nobody has seen it and nobody will ever see it!

Tomorrow never comes and nobody will see it


so it is tomorrow?

another simple riddle... don't mind yar ruthbaby...

guess what this is..

the rich need it,
the poor have it,
however if u eat it,
you will die!!!

what is it?


Originally posted by Quacks
so it is tomorrow?

another simple riddle... don't mind yar ruthbaby...

guess what this is..

the rich need it,
the poor have it,
however if u eat it,
you will die!!!

what is it?


the rich need nothing,
the poor have nothing,
however if u eat nothing,
you will die!!!

Originally posted by amethyst
the rich need nothing,
the poor have nothing,
however if u eat nothing,
you will die!!!

too simple is it.. sigh...
btw are u born in february, amethyst?

Originally posted by Quacks
too simple is it.. sigh...
btw are u born in february, amethyst?


yuppie born in feb.. eh y leh??

here's my contribution to this thread:

Three men decided to split the cost of a hotel room. The hotel manager gave them a price of $30.

The men split the bill evenly, each paying $10, and went to their room. However, the hotel manager realized that it was a Wednesday night, which meant the hotel had a special: rooms were only $25. He had overcharged them $5!

He called the bellboy, gave him five one-dollar bills and told him to return it to the men.

When the bellboy explained the situation to the men, they were so pleased at the honesty of the establishment that they promptly tipped the bellboy $2 of the $5 he had returned and each kept $1 for himself.

So each of the three men ended up paying $9 (their original $10, minus $1 back) totalling $27, plus $2 for the bellboy makes $29.

Where did the extra dollar go?

i'm pretty stumped here but i'm sure the dollar went no where.

shouldn't it be they paid $9 each which totalled up to $27 which included their $25 and $2 which they tipped the bellboy?

just to add another riddle..

two blind men were shopping independantly of each other, without companions..
they each bought one pair of red and one pair of white socks.

they continued their walk and bumped into each other and both dropped the socks they just bought.

so on the floor are 2 pairs of red and 2 pairs of white socks.

How can they ensure they can back their purchases without asking external help?


Hotel Riddle: Addition of wrong numbers.
3 men paid $9 each = $27
$2 went to the bell boy and $27-2=$25 went to the hotel.

Blind men Riddle:
Each grab 2 pairs, and from each pair take one sock (so two socks from two diff pairs) and exchange with the other.

Originally posted by HOCL
Blind men Riddle:
Each grab 2 pairs, and from each pair take one sock (so two socks from two diff pairs) and exchange with the other.

it should work rite? :dunno:

another riddle for u guys:

A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays 3 days and leaves on Friday. How'd he do it? :dunno:

isn't friday the name of his horse?

and yes the splitting of sock from the pair is the answer.. :D

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