A good read, especially for all those who aspire to be a professional photographer

Excellent read! Thanks for sharing

I'm curious how one drafts a contract. In Singapore, does the company need to hire a lawyer to draft a template? Or can the company draft one in plain language and it becomes legally binding once both the company and the client(s) sign it? How about a freelance photographer?

It doesn't need a lawyer to draft a contract, even a verbal agreement can become a contract. The moment all parties agree it becomes legally binding (unless the nature or purpose of the contract in itself is illegal).
But to avoid any mistakes and bad surprises it helps to engage the support of a professional person.
A freelance photographer is a one man company.

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Thanks for the answer bro. Very useful

Agreed with Octarine, there is no need for a lawyer to draft your contract. And a contract came in the form of written or oral form. However, I would also add that it can be very difficult to proof anything if you have done your contract in oral form. It is easier and clearer to represent your terms and conditions in written form.