5D or 1Dm2

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New Member
Jun 16, 2006
Eastern Singapore
Im undecided on either 5D or 1Dm2. shops have discontinued 1dm2 so can only source for 2nd hand. Would like to ask 5D and 1Dm2 users on your opinions on the pros and cons on each respective body :dunno:

I'll say this again...

If you need help choosing higher end bodies like those, you most probably don't need them.

my gf is taking over my 400D so would like to go to a higher end body. anyway thanx for yr input. If i dun need it i still can have it. :)

Yo Bro, join us for outing or a cup of coffee. We can help you to solve your doubts.

when bro...my having exams on monday and thursday...burnt my leaves :angry:

Exam time still got time to think of 5D or 1D mk II. :bsmilie: :bigeyes:

You really :thumbsup: kena the BBB virus ;p .................

if i dun bbb now, who knows i may drop dead the next moment...dun want to regret of not trying :bsmilie:

if i dun bbb now, who knows i may drop dead the next moment...dun want to regret of not trying :bsmilie:

In that case, why not the 1D mk III?

I tried it and ....................... :thumbsup: 10fps ....... but can only dream for now. :cry:

I have used both. I love the 5D's image quality, noise free at high ISO, and the FF as well. Focusing is faster at low light compare to 1DM2. I like the 1DM2's focusing accuracy, frame rate, ruggered body, 45 selectable AF point, high FPS, multiple spot metering, AI Servo and etc.

I used 5D for most casual shots, like friends, family, tours overseas, and landscape. But recently gave up, cos I am shooting lots of school events and sports. Needed the fast frame rate to capture the moment. Focusing accuracy is also very accurate as compared to 5D.


Sports/Event --> 1DM2
Casual / Weddings /landscape --> 5D

I have used both. I love the 5D's image quality, noise free at high ISO, and the FF as well. Focusing is faster at low light compare to 1DM2. I like the 1DM2's focusing accuracy, frame rate, ruggered body, 45 selectable AF point, high FPS, multiple spot metering, AI Servo and etc.

I used 5D for most casual shots, like friends, family, tours overseas, and landscape. But recently gave up, cos I am shooting lots of school events and sports. Needed the fast frame rate to capture the moment. Focusing accuracy is also very accurate as compared to 5D.


Sports/Event --> 1DM2
Casual / Weddings /landscape --> 5D

Your summary answer has just cleared my doubts..:thumbsup: I wish asian forums will be able to appear like the ang moh forum where everyone is willing to share and learn. Thanx for the kind input. :)

I have used both. I love the 5D's image quality, noise free at high ISO, and the FF as well. Focusing is faster at low light compare to 1DM2. I like the 1DM2's focusing accuracy, frame rate, ruggered body, 45 selectable AF point, high FPS, multiple spot metering, AI Servo and etc.

I used 5D for most casual shots, like friends, family, tours overseas, and landscape. But recently gave up, cos I am shooting lots of school events and sports. Needed the fast frame rate to capture the moment. Focusing accuracy is also very accurate as compared to 5D.


Sports/Event --> 1DM2
Casual / Weddings /landscape --> 5D

great help...;p

I've got both and will tell you that these 2 cameras are very different. As lightning pointed out, 5D is mainly for portraits, landscapes & casual shots. 1DmkII is for sports and other action-type shooting where speed and accuracy of focusing and high frame rate (birding) is important. After reading about the 1Dmk.III, can't wait to get my hands on one. Guess I'll wait a few more months till the prices drop a little after the first initial rush.


I had the 20D all along and recently added the 5D.

It's a good combo as the 5D is fantastic for portraits etc (e.g. I bought the 50/1.4 recently and the narrow depth of field at large apertures makes for compelling people shots). But the 5D goes up to only 3frames/s so I'm keeping the 20D for action shots.

Was at an ice skating competition last weekend with the 20D + 80-200/2.8 + a monopod and the shots came out ok (I seldom shoot sports so it was a good learning experience for me). The 1.6x crop comes in handy and of course the 5frames/s helps too!

I bought both bodies used from clubsnappers, so saved some money there. Hope this helps!



5D.. Full Frame.. best :bsmilie:

To TS, in an ideal world, each one of us here and his brother will own both a 1Dm2 (or m3) and a 5D. Why? Because they both excel at different things which largely depends on one's shooting style.

One easy way to decide is to identify your pain points. For instance, if you're happy with 400D's image quality, don't really intend to do large prints, but want a cam that reacts faster to changing shoot situations, you can consider both the 30D and yes, the 1Dm2.

Personally, I desperately want to like the 5D. But it's press-FOUR-clii-THOUSAND-ckk-DOLLARS operating speed is a little too slow for my likings. YMMV. Good luck! :thumbsup:

Before you guys jump into the 5D, go borrow one first. the AF points might be a chore to you.

on the 5D, the 9 AF points are spreaded out like the 20D/30D, but because 5D is a FF camera, all the AF points are cramped in the center, with the extra frame space uncovered with AF points - which is pretty much unlike all other 1 series bodies.

if you shooting style is to select the closest AF point to the subject during composition, you might not like 5D. =)

Before you guys jump into the 5D, go borrow one first. the AF points might be a chore to you.

on the 5D, the 9 AF points are spreaded out like the 20D/30D, but because 5D is a FF camera, all the AF points are cramped in the center, with the extra frame space uncovered with AF points - which is pretty much unlike all other 1 series bodies.

if you shooting style is to select the closest AF point to the subject during composition, you might not like 5D. =)

That is a good comment. I think not everyone will get use to the clustered focal point :sweat:

This is the 5D viewfinder

True. That means if I have a subject way on my right/left, it's not covered by my any focus point and I have to focus/recompose!

:sweat: :sweat:

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