20 Sayings of LKS


Senior Member
李嘉誠 財富語錄


1. 成功都是逼出來的。
2. 好走的路都是下坡路。
3. 被人利用說明你有用。
4. 少走彎路就是走捷徑。
5. 沒有夢想比貧窮更可怕。
6. 只要路是對的,就不怕路遠
7. 人可以不識字,但不能不識人。
8. 學習,你錢沒了,不學習,你前途沒了!
9. 不怕萬人阻擋,只怕自己投降。
10. 你不努力,永遠沒有人對你公平。
11. 沒有走不通的路,只有想不通的人。
12. 世界上最恐怖的事就是比你優秀的人比你還努力。
13. 人生如果錯了方向,停止就是進步。
14. 給孩子家財萬貫不如給他一個好習慣。
15. 人生沒有彩排,每一刻都是現場直播。
16. 逆境,是上帝幫你淘汰競爭者的地方。
17. 沒有絕望的處境,只有對處境絕望的人。
18. 懷才就像懷孕,時間久了一定看得出來。
19. 成功路上並不擁擠,因為堅持的人不多。
20. 世界上沒有懶惰的人,只有沒有目標的人。

doesn't really matter, if the words inspire you, motivate you, who cares is from LKS or a beggar on the street.

You are right!

I like it!

Anyone care to translate?

李嘉誠 財富語錄


1. 成功都是逼出來的。
2. 好走的路都是下坡路。
3. 被人利用說明你有用。
4. 少走彎路就是走捷徑。
5. 沒有夢想比貧窮更可怕。
6. 只要路是對的,就不怕路遠
7. 人可以不識字,但不能不識人。
8. 學習,你錢沒了,不學習,你前途沒了!
9. 不怕萬人阻擋,只怕自己投降。
10. 你不努力,永遠沒有人對你公平。
11. 沒有走不通的路,只有想不通的人。
12. 世界上最恐怖的事就是比你優秀的人比你還努力。
13. 人生如果錯了方向,停止就是進步。
14. 給孩子家財萬貫不如給他一個好習慣。
15. 人生沒有彩排,每一刻都是現場直播。
16. 逆境,是上帝幫你淘汰競爭者的地方。
17. 沒有絕望的處境,只有對處境絕望的人。
18. 懷才就像懷孕,時間久了一定看得出來。
19. 成功路上並不擁擠,因為堅持的人不多。
20. 世界上沒有懶惰的人,只有沒有目標的人。

I tried my best to edit from Google translate

Li Ka-shing's Quotes for Wealth

Wake Up Call Idiom

1. Success is by being pushed.
2. The easier way is leading downhill.
3. being taken advantage means you are useful.
4. taking less detours is shortcut.
5. ones has no dream is more terrible than poverty.
6. As long as the ones in the right track, does not despair if the journey is long.
7. ones can be illiterate, but but can not not to know read people.
8. Learn your money is gone, do not study, you are not the future!
9. do not afraid of people stop you, but afraid of you surrender yourself.
10. if You do not work hard, no one will treat you fairly.
11. there is no dead end road, only have people do have dead end in their mind.
12. The world's most frightening thing is that people who smarter than you also work harder than you.
13. when you are at the wrong direction of you life, you stop moving is consider making progress.
14. give your children good habit is for better than to give him multi-million.
15. Life is not a full dress rehearsal, is on live every moment.
16. adversity, is God helping you phase out your competitors.
17. No situations is hopeless, only people with hopeless mind.
18. talents just like pregnancy, it will show itself after some time.
19. The road to success is not crowded, because not many people insist on it.
20. there is no lazy people in this world, but only people with no life goals.