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  1. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    Woo sorry for the long absence. Army is taking up too much of my life :confused: Argh, anyway the hotels are darn cheap. Some good ones with bathtub going for even 500baht!! Oh yes about helping the locals, we can actually help in small ways like creating tourist dollars. But I'm sure these...
  2. P

    Sawasdee kah!

    Hihi, really love your photoshots. Especially the one with the passing train. I love the greenish hue and that slightly desaturated look. Pity about the whitewashed sky, if not it will be perfect. :D
  3. P

    Travelog from Germany

    Hihi, really like this shot. Seems like two lovers sharing their last goodbye kiss... the B&W together with the grains adds alot to the image. :D
  4. P

    Lotus leaf

    Mmmh somehow I feel the brown water droplets are kind of disturbing. :think: Maybe it does add something to the pic, but it somehow just don't make me feel at ease. Maybe its because we always perceive water droplets to be clear, especially in a beautiful lily covered pond. Anyway its just my...
  5. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    Yeah, like you said, the sunset is :heart: and the locals forever smiling !! Now its a good time, the hotels are cheap plus your presense makes a huge diff to the locals. And when I say the hotels are cheap, I mean seriously CHEAP. :bigeyes:
  6. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    Hiya Eclenikon, Well the traffic there is quite fast moving :sweat: but they do have a scooter / cyclist / motorcyclist shoulder. Cars are not allowed within this line, so its kinda safe. Furthermore they don't have a minimum speed limit so just go at comfortable pace. We were riding at 50...
  7. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    Thank you !! Really appreciate your encouragement :D Well phuket holds alot of fond memories for me. Talking to the locals during the trip, I realised how much they lost... BUT they did not pack up and go. They held each other's hands, they toiled and they rebuilt their crumbled world...
  8. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    Hihi, firstly thank you :) glad you like them !! Haha, well phuket is still beautiful. The tourist are slowly trickling in, but no it isn't empty. Of course it cannot be compared to pre-tsunami times, but compared to what I saw in April, I can say things are much better now. Oh yes it's...
  9. P

    Canon DSLR Owners *Please Update*

    Canon Update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D30 Owners: 1. BS 2. Zephyr 3. RC 4. zapp! 5. Radix Lecti 6. Radish 7. Pain 8. R32 9. insport 10. ziyterr 11. Patrick 12. lieu9310 13. hazekang 14: FotoKid 15. Nikon 16. ThinkPad...
  10. P

    Some of my desktop wallpapers to share ;)

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww isn't she an angel !?! :D I just love shot #2. Guess she looks way cuter with pink background. Anyway girls love pink don't they? ;)
  11. P


    :embrass: Hehe actually no. Guess I could have moved to get an unobstructed shot. ;p Woots thanks for pointing it out ! Will bear in mind not to be lazy in future shots.
  12. P

    Everybody was kung fu ffiighhttiinngg

    I love all the pics !! :heart: It has a very MTV coolness feel to it. :thumbsup:
  13. P


    Hihi to all seniors :D I've recently took up photography and would like to improve, and what better way then to hear from others? Would really appreciate all comments and ways to improve the composition. Thanks a million!
  14. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    ::11 "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ::12 "When people yearn with all their hearts For just one treasure far away; They close their eyes to countless joys That crowd around them every day...
  15. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    ::7 "Sometimes we miss happiness by looking too far for things nearby." ::8 "No one can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves." Dwight Eisenhower ::9 "There is nothing so strong as gentleness, and nothing so gentle as strength." Leo Muir ::10 "Patience and time do more than...
  16. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    ::4 "Great crisis produce great men and great deeds of courage." John F. Kennedy ::5 "If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come." ::6 "When you are required to exhibit strength, it comes." Joseph Campbell
  17. P

    Phuket - a photo tribute to the victims of Tsunami

    A tribute to the brave men and women of Thailand. To a place close to my heart. To all, the scars of tsunami can be healed, but the locals need our tourist injection... I hope to show that Phuket is safe and still beautiful. Cheers to those who helped in helping the victims one way or another...
  18. P

    Korea trip

    Wow I love that seagull shot. The peace that the seagulls portray contrasting with the crashing waves... love it! :heart:
  19. P

    The last stop..

    Hehee my 1st ever post taken on my very 1st SLR/dSLR :sweat: Hope to hear from you guys on how I can improve it. Thanks guys :)