Search results

  1. R

    Lens recommendations

    Thanks daredevil123 for the recos. For starters may go in for a wide angle to complement the 18-135mm (which is good lens too), just a little itchy to have more zoom. PC lens would probably end up last on my shopping list. (zerocoolAstra thanks for the clarification) I was lost with the...
  2. R

    Lens recommendations

    I travel a fair bit so I expect a lot of landscapes (both natural and city), architecture, street and people would make up the most. Night shots especially fireworks would certainly be in. While I would not venture macro and sports at this stage, prespectives perhaps. Would that be a wide range?
  3. R

    Lens recommendations

    Hi! I am finally getting my camera kit back up again (after ditching my trusty Nikon FE years ago). Though am back at the starting blocks, I got sold into the Canon stable this time and got a 7D with 18-135mm & 580EX II, then with the budget busted :embrass: had to sting on the tripod. Got a...
  4. R

    Photography Notes For Newbies

    Excellent stuff! Thanks