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  1. D

    Sticky Lens Hood

    Hi The plastic twist on/off lens hood for my 24-85 has become very stiff. Any suggestions on how to "grease" this so it goes on and off smoothely? Thanks Derek
  2. D

    Km 24-85

    I was in Alan Photo at Sim Lim the other day an was pleasantly surprised to see quite a few KM lenses in the display cabinet. What caught my eye was a 24-85 zoom with a "NEW" sticker on the box. It was not a "D" or a "G" and the salesman was blur. So I was jus wondering, is this actually a new...
  3. D

    Film Processing

    Hi Can someone please help me on this. Is there any quality difference depending on where you get your films processed ? If so, any recommendations for 1. colour film processing & printing 2. slide film processing Prefer central area or AMK/Bishan/Toa payoh area. Thanks Also...
  4. D

    Film Processing

    Is there any quality difference depending on where you get your films processed ? If so, any recommendations for 1. colour film processing & printing 2. slide film processing Prefer central area or AMK/Bishan/Toa payoh area. :) Thanks Also, any recommended places to have films...
  5. D

    Transparancy Film

    Jus wondering if anyone has done any experimentation with pushing (is this the right term?) the film rating on their camera when shooting slides. ie if using 200 ASA film rate it as 250ASA on the camera. I always think it gives better colour saturation but maybe i am jus imagining it...