Recent content by Sparta

  1. S

    Singapore settles for silver..

    She is a patriot ...... towards the China side. She is China by heart & spirit. She hums the Chinese anthem & not the Majullah. I feel dusgusted by our local sport official comments quoted in ST: " ..... anyone who is against FT, do you have a better solutions". Hmm, I wonder why a small...
  2. S

    Singapore to win how many medals?

    These Chinese from China are different from Chinese overseas. They have been brainwashed for so long; they are such fanatics (like Mao's Red Guards). Always saying how good & proud they are. Truth is they are still far behind the development curve.
  3. S

    Singapore to win how many medals?

    My friend said that our 'Chinese' players are still patriots .... to China of course so they are happy to let the China team win. Hossan said on FM 98.0 radio he saw them humming the Chinese national anthelm. So i guess they face many conflicts within themselves: 1. they are happy they won...
  4. S

    Save the Earth thread

    What is the Greenhouse Effect? What Causes the Greenhouse Effect? Life on earth depends on energy from the sun. About 30 percent of the sunlight that beams toward Earth is deflected by the outer atmosphere and scattered back into space. The rest reaches the planet’s surface and is reflected...
  5. S

    Save the Earth thread

    How Melting Glaciers Trigger Earthquakes, Tsunamis ..........
  6. S

    Save the Earth thread

    You got good point here regarding buildings; why do we build, then tear down, then build again (eg. en-bloc). Better to conserve the buildings. Actually, whether we use more lighting or less will have little impact on CO2 release here in Singapore. So no need to worry too much about watching...
  7. S

    Save the Earth thread

    Yes, this is exactly how it works. The melting ice add billion of tons of weight to ocean, stressing the oceanic plates & causing plates to shift & collide and these cause the earthquakes. Warmer temperature means more evaporation of sea water & this leads to bigger clouds & thus, heavier...
  8. S

    Save the Earth thread

    You must be a SUV owner. Contribute more CO2 & one day you'll fry in the sun.:bsmilie:
  9. S

    Save the Earth thread

    Why did Hurricane Narnis happened? [Global warming produce more storms & more volatile ones] Why is there earthquake in China? [Ice cap is melting fast, gfalciers are melting fast and causing earthquakes] These are consequences of man's activities on earth for the past 200,000 years...
  10. S

    Cristiano Ronaldo leaving Man Utd - comments?

    He not only dives. There is a Youtube on CR touching Rooney's behind. Thot it was funny. Anyway, Nani will be next star. Just give him more games.
  11. S

    Cost of pumping petro around the world at today's oil price $135

    But LTA does not allow H2O cars. Can consider CNG ....anybody tried? Is it worth the higher cost of purchasing these cars?
  12. S

    Europe's biofuel policy caused food prices to shoot up

    Food should be consumed, not to burn. With 6b people on earth, diverting crops to biofuels is foolhardy. Europe's policy is misguided. Here in Singapore, we get suffocated as Indonesia burns forrest to plant palm oil, contributing enormously to global pollution. Not only that, planting palm...
  13. S

    Help mitigate petrol price increase

    Are we not tax on petrol? This % formula multiplies the price increase. For example, if tax is 20% on a $1 item, price becomes $1.20 and govt makes $0.20. If item price increased to $3, price becomes $3.60 and govt makes $0.60, a 3x price increase. Some Asian govts (china, indon, m'sia)...
  14. S

    What! it went up again!?!?!?!

    Are we not tax on petrol? This % formula multiplies the price increase. For example, if tax is 20% on a $1 item, price becomes $1.20 and govt makes $0.20. If item price increased to $3, price becomes $3.60 and govt makes $0.60, a 3x price increase. Some Asian govts (china, indon, m'sia)...
  15. S

    EFS 17-55mm or EF 17-40L

    I found out the following prices in HK: EFS 17-55mm sells for S$1260. EF 17-40mm sells for $970. Price diff not a lot.