Recent content by google2011

  1. G

    Recommendations on telezoom lens

    The 17-40L is a great lens and a real bargain but a bit slow in low light condition. A telezoom like the 70 – 200 is a good idea if you have the use for it. In Singapore, well, it may be underutilized in the longer run. Are you sure u need one? I predict you will not use it very often and with...
  2. G

    FULAT (Lens Hoods)

    Hi. Anybody aware of FULAT lens hoods for Canon lenses as a cheaper alternative to heavily over-priced genuine Canon lens hoods? Are they any good? Cheers.
  3. G


    The answer is: 600D Why? con You want to go budget and dun mind to remain in the customer line (that would also include the 60 D which de facto is a rebelized xxD and no longer prosumer, in fact the 60D was meant to be the new 600D anyway) but the 600D is the latest model and cheaper than...
  4. G

    Gaffer Tape the Camera!

    Nice job, but it defeats the purpose of having is painted in white color by Canon which was done in order to prevent the lens from heating up too much in bright sun light (and we have plenty of that in Spore). So now you must seek the shadow - well done.
  5. G

    Gaffer Tape the Camera!

    I covered two of my lens hoods with a gaffer tape in carbon design for the heck of it and to add a cool look but what you have done reminds me of the MadMax movies: turn something nice and beautiful into something looking ugly and trashy. If you are lucky the glue will reside on the body if...
  6. G

    price check for 50mm F1.4

    570 incl GST at Allan Photo (1 week ago) at Funan Courts next door first asks for the retail price but upon request they arrive at 575.
  7. G

    Speck of dust inside L lens. Can send back to CSC?

    Oh yeah, I can feel your pain. Once you notice it it drives you up the wall until the day it is removed even if it does not affect the IQ. Therefore never check for it unless dust has accumulated on the sensor and is becoming visible in form of those dark spots. And never try to fix it yourself...
  8. G

    Prime for portrait shooting

    This is a nice bunch of experts here. I am called arrogant and stupid and dun want to hear out people. That is hilarious. I have tried to explain my point like I would do it to a 5 year old. Still many dun get it. I have the feeling that if u must insult me you may not know ur ****. I can do...
  9. G

    Prime for portrait shooting

    @Sinned79. Dude, what is wrong with you? Calm down and let me thank you for messing with my thread. I bet you are teacher by profession always looking to teach others. But I am immune man, both my grandparents used to be teachers thus I was exposed….. Anyway. If this was a school essay...
  10. G

    Prime for portrait shooting

    Noe of this is important to the questions asked. Yep, u r right, close ups on 17mm can create funny images, women usually do not like it that much. I saw a 50 1.4 for 575 incl gst.
  11. G

    Prime for portrait shooting

    Well, usually I go with my two fav lenses, which is a 17-40 and the 70 - 200 IS. However, I wish to add a bit more depth and better bokeh to my portrait shots, and I wish to be better equipped in low light conditions. I would consider the following lenses EF 50 f1.4 EF 35 f2 EF 28...
  12. G

    grip for tripod ring ???

    I guess u dun get the picture. A monopod is still min 50 cm long and relatively heavy; i am talking of a light weight grip of max 15 cm in lenghts.
  13. G

    7d overexposure with extender ???

    I hv the 1.4x teleplus pro 300 dgx, which is supposed to be new. But i read on the kenko page that is was made for prime lenses from 100 mm and best used with lenses with focal length between 200 and 500 mm. Not sure what the term "prime" is supposed to mean - fixed focal lenghs or high quality...
  14. G

    7d overexposure with extender ???

    Aquired 1.4 ext recently for my 70-200 but also used it with with other lenses eg 17-40. At a bright day like today i realized that under same conditions and settings the 17-40 w ext leads the 7d to overexpose compared to shots w/o ext. I had manully set 1/100 f10, iso100. Metering and af kept...
  15. G

    Canon Eos 600d or 7d

    Wow, I am impressed: the 60 D has now been crowned has a semi pro body!!! Marvelous! Maybe, if we talk about it long enough it becomes a pro body on par with the 1D series...?! But let's get it straight: Canon has "Rebel-ized" the xxD line with the 60D model iteration. Some features/advantages...