Recent content by cavinsoo

  1. C

    Mulu Cave in Sarawak

    Taken with Canon EOS 66 camera. On tripod and with Fuji Reala 100 film. I think they are nicely taken. :cool:
  2. C

    Lata Kinjang
  3. C

    Lata Kinjang

    When to this beautiful Lata Kinjang waterfall which is about 45min away from Ipoh in Malaysia. Each shot is taken with 1sec f28 settings. Polarizer is fitted to the lens. I'm using Fuji Reala 100 film. I think it's beautifully taken, any comment? Thanks ;)...
  4. C

    Kodak Lab?

    I'm done with Kodak. Never I will buy Kodak film again. Film is lousy and the printout is not comparable to Fuji. Fuji Reala all the way....
  5. C

    Kodak Lab?

    Do you know where can I find a Kodak Lab to print Kodak films on Kodak paper?
  6. C

    Recommend a dry cabinet

    I recommend that you reuse one of your biscuit cans. You can fit the lens and body into a big can... eg., Jacob's biscuit ;)
  7. C

    Favourite ISO 100 and below Slide?

    Fuji Superia Reala 100 is my preference
  8. C

    Cave Photography, anyone?

    Hi, I will be going to a cave in Sarawak soon. But I have not taken any picture in a cave before. I just started photography and I'm not sure how to take good photos in cave. Any advise on how to make sure pictures taken will not be underexposed? I'm using film camera with Reala 100 films.