Nice works of a HK Filipino domestic helper

Your thread titel.. why is the job or origin relevant to judge the work?

Your thread titel.. why is the job or origin relevant to judge the work?
I know her works, o can't read Chinese, but she did an essay on Filipino maid living in HK and the way the abuse that they receive... Why is it relevant? Because she is a Filipino maid living in HK! ...

Bye with that essay she got the Magnum scholarship, and now she is doing another project in NY if I'm not mistaken

Again I can't read Chinese sorry if all of this was already written in the article

She's takes great photos. Thanks Uncle Fai.

Great job, the passion, perseverance is inspiring

Welcome done Xyza Cruz Bacani!

I really like this paragraph which says it all:


copy from the title of the article.
that is what news do, sensational title.

I believe that the title does not really sensationalize as much as much of western media does.
What she does to provide a living for her family did nothing to undermine her love and talent for capturing another view of the world she finds herself in is, by itself, encouragement for everyone who reads this.
Many I know get caught up in what they do for a living and lose sight of their passion and hobby.