Luck needed for photo taking?


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2004
BB West
I recently book a room in MBS via friend. Idk which side of the building. I also planned how I going to take my time lapse photos. After collecting the passes, I found out that I have a room that faces the garden! On top of that, there is a balcony! Ideal for taking photos of the garden. So, I proceed with my time lapse during evening and also, able to have some nice photos during the night.

Morning 6+, I woke up for another time lapse. I waited for a while, saw a spot on my right is orange, I thought sun coming out from there. About to pan to right, I decided not, back to same spot. Out of sudden, I saw the sun coming out from my left! Another thing is there are dark clouds and they not only block the sun, they created effects when the sun moving up. Those moment lasted till 7:50am, enough photos for a good time lapse. When the sunlight passes over the garden, with the help of the dark clouds, the effects was wonderful.

Without those luck, I doubt I could get such photos. So, for me, luck is needed for photo taking, what about you? :)

what i need is a camera for photo-taking


Stalker spotted! Apart from camera. What else on natural photography?

This is 10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
50% pain,
And 100% reason to remember the name!

Stalker spotted! Apart from camera. What else on natural photography?


not a stalker!

natural photography? i need hills and valleys :bsmilie:


Luck yea. I agree..since things can be unpredictable.

but Skill and patience is more essential.

Of course you need luck. No matter how good a photographer is, light depends on luck.

Still, good photographers can create their own luck - for example, if you shoot street, understanding and anticipating how people may behave/react and thus pre-emptively positioning yourself is a good example of this. Good photographers would also seize the chance better.

One can sit around and say non-stop that one was unlucky and thus did not get any good pictures. Or one can just do his best given any circumstance, and try to improve himself so that he can make the most of any situation thrown his way. ;) Cheers.

Aiyah... Luck needed for life in general.

Luck or some call it karma, is important is almost everything, including photography of course.

you just make preparations and leave the rest to luck I guess, for example what if it rains? Like some cave where the sun streaks can be seen during certain time and weather condition but guess preparation is the first step of the journey

All the luck in the world will not give you good photographs if you sit at home and do nothing :bsmilie:

you just make preparations and leave the rest to luck I guess, for example what if it rains? Like some cave where the sun streaks can be seen during certain time and weather condition but guess preparation is the first step of the journey

Or get this type of lights for the cave. :bsmilie:


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Luck is required for everything.

That's why Kokura was not bombed with the Plutonium Fatboy. Clouds blocked the bombardier's view.
Niigata in northern Honshu, was too far away for the B29 remaining fuel.
Left the 3rd approved target Nagasaki.

So there is a saying. "Kokura's luck". Escaping annihilation you did not even know about.