[GRbenji #03] Macro @ Chestnut Cycling Trail on 22 Jan 2011 (Photo Sharing)

Big Thanks to Bro Koh for guiding big group of shutterbugs to this place for macro shoot.
A new place to me (Maybe..)
The mozzies are too powerful today :sweat:

Sharing some of the photos taken in this outing

#1 : Fighting

#2 : In :heart:

#2 : Ugly Spider

Big Thanks to Bro Koh for guiding big group of shutterbugs to this place for macro shoot.
A new place to me (Maybe..)
The mozzies are too powerful today :sweat:

Sharing some of the photos taken in this outing...

Your ugly spider looks good :thumbsup: try not to crop too tight.

Hey Koh,

Thanks for organising the shoot. My daughter and I had a great time. She was feeding mosquitoes all the way. LOL. Got to buy tiger balm insect repellant next time.

Great pictures all around. Our mini group (including Lew, Peterpan and SteveZhy)was lagging way behind everyone. We were literally taking a saturday morning stroll and phototaking was only but one of the things on the agenda. We had a good time talking shop, chit chatting and what have you. Agree with Lew, talk until forget to take photos. HAHAHAHA.

Was trying new setup again today, with kenkox2 and teleconverter, not to mention new tripod. Bottom line, I think 1 kenko MORE than enough, otherwise everything looks super enlarged. Teleconverter also not very necessary if you can get close enough. Tripod good, but a little slow setting up cos still not experienced enough. Again better shots, and MANY more keepers.

Just a few shots to share with all friends. We left about 1025am to pick the kids up from Rugby practice. Never made it to the caterpillar gang bang. LOL.

Thanks for viewing!

Adrian (Daddy Bear)

Hey bro adrian. Your diffuser is still with me...:sweat:
Btw nice pics! :thumbsup:

A big "Kam Siah" to Koh for organising this outing. I really enjoyed the company of everyone today.

And also a very HAPPY Lunar New Year to one and all. Huat! Huat!! Huat!!!

Hey Dominic,
Shots are getting better now...shoot more post more :)

Avon here! (Second person from the foreground of Uncle Lew's only group photo, lol)
Pardon my maiden shots with my DIY diffuser. Please do let me know where can I improve on! Thanks in advance!
And thanks to Crystal for the insect hunting tips and pointing out bugs for me!

#1 Bushwacker, lol!



#4 (Thanks to fellow CSer who was taking this dung spider together with me for the focus stack tip! Please do let me know your name!)


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Hey bro adrian. Your diffuser is still with me...:sweat:
Btw nice pics! :thumbsup:
hey Crystal,

Thanks for viewing! No worries. Hang on to it first. You can pass it to me at the next shoot! :)


Big Thanks to Bro Koh for guiding big group of shutterbugs to this place for macro shoot.
A new place to me (Maybe..)
The mozzies are too powerful today :sweat:

Sharing some of the photos taken in this outing

#1 : Fighting

#2 : In :heart:

#2 : Ugly Spider
Nice Pictures, Yilin!

Your dung beetle # 3 is very clear!

Great work!

Thanks bro koh for organising this outing. Here are my lousy shots. C&C welcome.

Hey Crystal,

Good shots, considering you only used a Raynox. Looks like you are hooked! Time to get poisoned some more. How about a 100mm Canon F2.8L Lens? Then you are really in the serious league! :)

Avon here! (Second person from the foreground of Uncle Lew's only group photo, lol)
Pardon my maiden shots with my DIY diffuser. Please do let me know where can I improve on! Thanks in advance!
And thanks to Crystal for the insect hunting tips and pointing out bugs for me!

You're welcome. It's extremely easy to spot insects, you just have to be patient. =)
Btw nice pics! :thumbsup: So much better then mine...

hey Crystal,

Thanks for viewing! No worries. Hang on to it first. You can pass it to me at the next shoot! :)


Alright! Really paiseh! Wanted to return to you but when i went back i realise you went home..:sweat:

Hey Crystal,

Good shots, considering you only used a Raynox. Looks like you are hooked! Time to get poisoned some more. How about a 100mm Canon F2.8L Lens? Then you are really in the serious league! :)

Wa don't like that anyhow poison people leh....Not everyone can afford the antidote!! :bsmilie:

Many thanks to Bro Koh for organising this wonderful Macro Outing.

Sharing my humble shots. C&C are always welcome.

Kennie, great set, love the eyes on number 3! Sweeeeee!

Thanks to Bro Koh for the organising this outing. My humble shots as follows:






Thanks to bro Koh for organising the outing for us.
Below is my humble shoot for the outing, any feedback is most welcome. Thanks for viewing.






Here is my very first marco shoot, feedback is most welcome. Thanks for viewing.






Big Thanks to Bro Koh for guiding big group of shutterbugs to this place for macro shoot.
A new place to me (Maybe..)
The mozzies are too powerful today :sweat:

Sharing some of the photos taken in this outing

#2 : Ugly Spider

Yilin, this is a Bird Dung Spider and its beautiful (not ugly).:thumbsup::thumbsup:
At least you got it on the correct side, mine was focus on the back-side, so cannot post.:sweatsm: