EXPOSE yourself - XCVI

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Cud be a sign~?!?!? :bigeyes:
If 2173 open, u better find that guy and emo hug and kiss him all over.. :kiss:

You all please don't delete anymore thread until it open hor!!!!! :angry:

I am in Leong Fanboys Club mah. :bsmilie:


when's the next autograph session? :heart: :bsmilie:

Wah, sky suddenly dark.......could it a sign????

Sure or not??

Look at the new tablet and the gear head :)

i got many panadols at home le.. and my car gear head still working ok.. :embrass:


hahahaha must be like buying bread like that damn cheap.
Then I can retire my 40D or maybe Mod it to IR :bsmilie:

urine on the sensor and sent back to bread!!!!!! remember to rib from the shutter first, becasue you change shutter before. :bsmilie:

Yapster said:
Good morning.. Kenna flu liao.. Damn.. Yellowish one.. Not enough sleep, too heaty liao.
Gotta MC.. Back to sleep..

Rest well! Hugs!

last thread only end 16 hours ago.......can finish this before 20hours lor.

You all please don't delete anymore thread until it open hor!!!!! :angry:

hahahaha scully now mod decide to delete NM's threads as he requested.
Then all your comments in there kena delete.
Then post drop many many!!! :bsmilie:

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