Sony launches DSLR-A850 full-frame digital SLR out 09 Sept

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New DT lens for macro, 30mm F2.8 (announced quite sometime ago, but should be on sales soon).

Should be a cheaper solution for those who don't want to spend on the more expensive 50mm or 100mm macro lens. Though is a DT lens.

New 28-75mm F2.8 SAM

For FF camera body, and, I think is a cheaper alternative to CZ 24-70mm F2.8.

I wan the 30mm Macro len:bsmilie:

Since like not many people know that we been talking about this model for weeks. I think street market can get around 2.7k...

Hi, check for preview. Price around s$3150/- Kit lens s$1250/- in Nov09

Wow... that would be awesome.. How did you get that figure? MRP? I reckon this would be slightly more expensive than I got for my D7D years back. I like the Skin tone colors of A900 (though I prefer 7D better) and is way above its competitors (Canon/Nikon). The 24mp details and dual processors are way above my expectation.. :D I would thought Sony would take out these two, I admit I was bit taken back when I heard these would be inclusive in the new A850. I was disappointed Sony did not get the video/Live video in, nevertheless I would say do it right the first time is the most importance. Well done Sony! Let's see what Canon/Nikon have to counter offer.. :)

this seems something like a crippled a900. i think it has to sell below $3k to attract the entry FF users. would have preferred a built-in flash for wireless flash.

That's why the 20 flash is introduced to be used similar on the 850. Sony is a commercial organization, they are not in the business for charity.

Besides, being used with high-end lenses (and many will do so) the lenses itself will block the output of the pop-up flash anyway. I praise the design for high-end camera's NOT to have a pop-up flash.

Agree its like a cripple 900. street price for 850 shld be ard 2.8-2.7 . 900 is about 3.8

Anyone feel the difference btw 3-5 fps very stark?
If you do landscape then 850 might be the best bet.

Not a big difference...

DK has more or less demonstrated that, thus 3 or 5, or even 7 FPS don't matter to me too much, for me: Anticipation and a well timed shot is what I use for most of my work because I have to work with Low end strobes that recharge slowly. 1 shot is what I can afford everytime, else I risk blowing up my cheap lighting gear, thus, I time my shot every time... :sweatsm:

Not a big difference...

DK has more or less demonstrated that, thus 3 or 5, or even 7 FPS don't matter to me too much, for me: Anticipation and a well timed shot is what I use for most of my work because I have to work with Low end strobes that recharge slowly. 1 shot is what I can afford everytime, else I risk blowing up my cheap lighting gear, thus, I time my shot every time... :sweatsm:

It'll come in useful in some instances if you use it with short bursts together with AF-C

Wow... that would be awesome.. How did you get that figure? MRP? I reckon this would be slightly more expensive than I got for my D7D years back. I like the Skin tone colors of A900 (though I prefer 7D better) and is way above its competitors (Canon/Nikon). The 24mp details and dual processors are way above my expectation.. :D I would thought Sony would take out these two, I admit I was bit taken back when I heard these would be inclusive in the new A850. I was disappointed Sony did not get the video/Live video in, nevertheless I would say do it right the first time is the most importance. Well done Sony! Let's see what Canon/Nikon have to counter offer.. :)

Yea, I must say, sony most of the time won alot in term of technologies and comfortable of users. Even the LV, they did better than the C&N. Now everyone know sony is into the competition. Last time when i bought sony dslr, many C&N asked, "what brand is that?". Or i'm only person using sony dslr in my school photography club. Now more and more members are buying sony dslr. And fedback from junior, sony kind of unique. The name, "alpha", the design and even the service. Very proud of sony.

Not a big difference...

DK has more or less demonstrated that, thus 3 or 5, or even 7 FPS don't matter to me too much, for me: Anticipation and a well timed shot is what I use for most of my work because I have to work with Low end strobes that recharge slowly. 1 shot is what I can afford everytime, else I risk blowing up my cheap lighting gear, thus, I time my shot every time... :sweatsm:

Useful if you have the time to shoot and time it properly... high FPS is good when the action and motion of the subject is unpredictable and you need to respond quickly...

Yea, I must say, sony most of the time won alot in term of technologies and comfortable of users. Even the LV, they did better than the C&N. Now everyone know sony is into the competition. Last time when i bought sony dslr, many C&N asked, "what brand is that?". Or i'm only person using sony dslr in my school photography club. Now more and more members are buying sony dslr. And fedback from junior, sony kind of unique. The name, "alpha", the design and even the service. Very proud of sony. liveview is the best currently....even the current corp of the A330 and a380 liveview totally outgunning lv dedicated olympus Ep-1 and panasonic Gh1.
af wise...they are simply no match for the sony liveview is the best currently....even the current corp of the A330 and a380 liveview totally outgunning lv dedicated olympus Ep-1 and panasonic Gh1.
af wise...they are simply no match for the sony

Yups, thats why i said sony is better than C@N in LV. :bsmilie:

Will the price of the a900 hike when the a850 is release? Since a900 is still better in every way. :dunno:

i have almost the same case with afipuffy (just want to share a little of my experience with sony alpha dslr)

the first time i bought my dslr, i trusted it with sony brand. honestly at that time, i just felt so comfort and so satisfied with the sony dslr (from the first time i tried it at sony counter). then i bought my sony dslr 350, cool i love it so much. with that camera, i learned alot and got much usefull experience. i learned to shot with the camera by myself (trial & error), by reading club snap forum (especially sony/ minolta forum) and discusson with my friends. at the beginning, they all underestimated with sony dslr in many ways. i can understand that, because sony is still new / younger compared to C & N. but "new / younger " not means "worse" for me, because i believe sony dslr will be a good camera if i can use it properly and creatively. right now i am using sony alpha 900, the best camera i've ever used (while my sony dslr 350 i gave to my GF since she love it so much). right now i have more chance to prove that sony dslr is a good camera (with its own plus minus). and also to tell my friends and other people how userfriendly + powerfull the alpha system is (since i began doing photography with my first camera alpha 350 started from "0". i had nothing in photography knowledge and experience before, but i learned it from using sony camera. until now, i am still learning and exploring hahaha.....). yap, sony alpha 350 and 900 are good cameras, and i my self also believe that sony dslr 850 also is a good camera too. hope sony alpha dslr 850 will make the sony alpha becomes more popular, more satisfied (for all users) & better in every way. cheer ;p

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sorry to ask some noob question.

These high end a700/a850/a900
must use what kinda lens?

18-200 cannot?

sorry to ask some noob question.

These high end a700/a850/a900
must use what kinda lens?

18-200 cannot?

I think it is not a question of can or cannot. In reality, 18-200 works fine with A700 with its cropped sensor but A850 & 900 won't get to be optimised with their FF sensors on a lens made for cropped sensor. However, if you are concious of where you frame your photos, 18-200 still works on the FF bodies. Of course, Alpha's cropped sensor frame indicator is not as nice as that of Nikon (Sony only four corners indicated whereas Nikon has the whole rectangle highlighted red), and that makes framing a little troublesome. I don't know which body you intend to get next but if budget is a consideration, don't be too troubled about 18-200 for now. Otherwise, sell the 18-200 and try buying another all-in-one zoom like the Sigma or Tamron 28-300. They are not the best lens and slow in AF but will be kind on your wallet for now as they cost around S$500+.

i can understand that, because sony is still new / younger compared to C & N. but "new / younger " not means "worse" for me, because i believe sony dslr will be a good camera if i can use it properly and creatively.

Need to correct this, and misconception by many, Sony is not new in the market:
1. Sony has been making dslr sensors since the beginning of the dslr era.
2. Sony took over Minolta SLR/DSLR team of engineers and technology. Sony basically re-branded and improves some of the existing lense and camera. That why you can still use old Minolta A-Mount lense.
3. Minolta existed almost as long as Nikon and Canon to make SLR.

Need to correct this, and misconception by many, Sony is not new in the market:
1. Sony has been making dslr sensors since the beginning of the dslr era.
2. Sony took over Minolta SLR/DSLR team of engineers and technology. Sony basically re-branded and improves some of the existing lense and camera. That why you can still use old Minolta A-Mount lense.
3. Minolta existed almost as long as Nikon and Canon to make SLR.


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