New SLR by the Summer?

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New Member
Aug 25, 2004
Some guy reported this at the Pentaxforums:

It's an interview with a representative from pentax at the PMA and he says some interesting things about a new SLR coming in the summer. Most of it is in swedish, but check it out from about 0:55 and you'll see:

"A slightly different concept, more advanced..."

"We have planned to introduce a new SLR, it's also a new concept, by the summer".

"Q: Is it a direct successor to the K20D?, A: 'No, it is not a direct successor of the K20D, the concept has changed during the development in the past month, the concept is slightly different'.

"Q: more advanced or less advanced than the K20D?" A:'No, it will be more advanced I would say'.​

So we are gonna have a new dSLR camera which will be more advanced than K20D but in diferent concepts :cool:

Cheers guys!

start saving ;p

Been trying to think of what kind of feature will make the new Pentax SLR stand out and people flocking from Nikon and Canon over to Pentax...

1. Full frame
2. Able to mount Canon and Nikon lenses with full AF features

Ok stop laughing now :)

Been trying to think of what kind of feature will make the new Pentax SLR stand out and people flocking from Nikon and Canon over to Pentax...

1. Full frame
2. Able to mount Canon and Nikon lenses with full AF features

Ok stop laughing now :)


2. makes no sense. They all make the dough more from the sales of lenses than camera bodies.

*Waits for people to unload their K20D for cheap* :devil:

Been trying to think of what kind of feature will make the new Pentax SLR stand out and people flocking from Nikon and Canon over to Pentax...

1. Full frame
2. Able to mount Canon and Nikon lenses with full AF features

Ok stop laughing now :)

I rather have the followings:-

1. Faster AF in low light (an in-build AF-assist lamp would actually help here)
2. Better high ISO performance (though iso1600 at K20D is pretty amazing)
3. Flash HSS like the N D70s (better if can find compatibilities with N or C flash system)

Side note: Someone spotted a Pentax K3d
Brings the statement ' love the colours' to a whole new level. hahaha....

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The interview content has been posted on Pentax JP site already:





Online translatioin by google:


K20D The K20D's new class of successor?

K20D K20D
川内氏は直前まで広報の役割を担っていたため、これまでに公開してきた情報にも精通している。 Kawauchi, who is responsible for public relations until just before, have a good knowledge of the information disclosed so far. 質問を繰り出す前から「昨年、夏前に2機種と話しましたが……」と、自ら話し始めてくれた。 Pay out a question from the previous "last summer before and he would have two models ..." and he started talking about himself.

昨年のフォトキナ2008の時点では、実際に2機種を並行で開発していたペンタックスだが、その後、ロードマップの見直しを入れたことで、タイミングはズレることになったようだ。 Last year at Photokina 2008 is the fact that the Pentax is a model developed in parallel, and then put in a review of the road map, the timing seems to be ZURERU. K20Dと同価格帯になる新モデルは「夏のボーナス商戦に間に合うように頑張っている」とのことだが、K200Dの後継機種は年末商戦向けになる。 New K20D and get the same price range "is luck in time for the summer bonus campaign," he said, K200D is the successor models for the holiday season.

これは景気動向の悪化が招いたものではなく、K20Dの位置付けに関して社内で議論を重ね、商品企画の方向を調整し直した結果ということのようだ。 It is not caused by the worsening economy, K20D repeated discussions about the positioning of the company, the results seem to re-adjust the direction of product planning. この方針変更はレンズロードマップにも影響を与えており、今月公開の新レンズロードマップでは、今まで表に掲載されていた一部のレンズが消えている。 This policy change is also affecting RENZURODOMAPPU, published this month in New RENZURODOMAPPU are missing some of the lens was on the table before.

ただし、「レンズに関しては予定がずれ込んだことで消えただけです。企画案から消えてしまったというだけで、いずれ出すという計画には変わりはありません」という点は強調している。 However, "The lens is only a plan until it disappeared. Just disappeared from the proposal, a plan that does not make any changes" that are highlighted. その背景はというと、どうやらK20Dと同価格帯の新モデル(と書けばわかるだろうが、どうやら後継機ではないようだ)の登場に合わせ、新ボディの特徴を活かすために“スタンダードのDAレンズ”に仕様変更を加えるためだという。 As for the background, apparently the price of the K20D and the new model (it would have to write, and apparently it seems that its successor) with the emergence of the body to utilize the features of the new "standard DA lens "To make changes to specifications. 「登場すればすぐにわかってもらえるものなので、まずは楽しみに待っていてください」(川内氏) "We all know that they will appear immediately, please wait to have fun first," (Mr. Kawauchi)

「実際に製品を出すときになれば、『そういうことか』とわかってもらえると思います。光学設計を変えるなど、光学面での変化を伴う設計変更をするわけではありません。新ボディに合わせたリファインです」と川内氏。 "If you actually make a product, I think it makes sense for me to know. And change the optical design, but design changes due to changes in the optical surface. According to a new body I refine "Kawauchi said.

ではどんな要素を詰め込むのか? というと、さすがにそこまでは話していただけなかったが、「少なくとも世の中のトレンドになっている要素は、すべて入れておきたい。ペンタックスを選んだユーザーが、何か特定の機能がないからと卑屈にならないように」とのこと。 Or any element of the pack? And say, He is there to talk ITADAKENAKATTA "element is the trend of the world, at least, I want it all. PENTAX selected users, identify what to be subservient and not a function ". 機能やスペックも発売時点で最新のものになるよう開発は行なうが、何より商品のテイストそのものが、K20Dクラスの新機種が持つ最大の特徴になる。 Developed to be the most current features and specifications but also make the product taste the best of all, K20D will be a feature of the new model of the class.

“K20Dクラス”、“K20Dと同価格帯の新機種”と書いているのは、このモデルがK20Dの後継としては作っていないからだ。 "K20D class", "K20D New Model for the same price range," he wrote, as the successor to the K20D model is not made. K20Dボディそのもののユーザーからの評価は良好なものだったが、しかし一方で、“ペンタックスらしさや、ユーザーがペンタックスに求めているものとは異なるのではないか?”という疑問が、川内氏にはずっと残っていたと話す。 Review of the K20D is the name of the body was good, however, "and PENTAKKUSURASHI, and has urged the Pentax would be a different name?" The question whether he is Kawauti There was much talk.

「たとえば細かな造形や各部の動きにもこだわり、軽快さも意識したリミテッドレンズには、スペックだけではない普遍的な魅力がある。ボディの開発においても、発売から数カ月してスペックが他社に負けた瞬間に競争力がなくなるような製品作りではダメだと考えたんです。ではペンタックスの強みとは何でしょう?」と川内氏。 "Attention to detail of form and movement of parts, for example, in the sense of lightness that RIMITEDDORENZU, the only specification is not a universal appeal. The development of the body, and lost the other months from the release specification The products become less competitive as the moment I would be bad. and in the strength of Pentax? "Kawauchi said.

DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited
どのような製品になるのかについては、もちろん話さなかった川内氏だが、いくつかのヒントは残してくれた。 Whether any of the products, he said話SANAKATTA Kawauchi, of course, gave some hint of leaving.

たとえば「DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited」には、鏡筒内に巧みにレンズフードが組み込まれ、精緻な印象を与える目盛り周りの造形。 For example, "DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited" is cleverly built into the lens hood in the tube, forming the impression around the scale refinement. はめ込み式キャップやフィルタを取り付けてもフードが邪魔にならないよう配慮されていたり、フードを引き出してロックしなくとも、ピッタリとガタのない合わせで組み立てられていたりと、精密機器としての造りの良さにこだわった製品になっている。 Or in the care of the way food is also mounting a filter cap and fitted, locked the drawer without a hood, and built ITARI in GATA-free and perfect fit to build a good precision equipment Products that are loyal. 標準で装備されるスクリュー式レンズキャップには、ペンタックスロゴがエンボス加工されているが、ねじ込んでロックされたところでロゴが水平になるというこだわりようだ。 The lens cap is equipped with a standard screw type, which is embossed the PENTAKKUSUROGO seems to insist that the horizontal logo is locked in at NEJI込N.

いずれもハイテクではないが、手間をかけて良いものを作るというペンタックスの心意気の顕れなのだが、こうしたスペックに顕れない、しかし使ってみると愛着が沸き「手元に置いて寝たくなるような」カメラにするという。 In all high-tech, but it's a Pentax顕RE the spirit of the good things that make over time.顕RENAI to these specifications, the love and沸KI But try "to be on hand寝TAKU" camera that.

加えてK20Dのボディサイズが大きめだったことも反省材料の1つだったそうで「やっぱりペンタックスには、小型軽量を求める声が強い」と、リミテッドレンズを付けて散歩に出かけたくなる軽快な製品というのも意識しているとも川内氏は話した。 The K20D also reflect the material was of a larger body size, but it was "still the Pentax is a strong demand for small, lightweight," the product will be swinging for a walk with出KAKETAKU RIMITEDDORENZU Kawauchi's also aware that it is said.

また、K20DとK200Dは、明確に兄弟機ということを意識したデザインになっていたが、年末商戦向けとなるK200D後継機種とは異なる個性を持ったデザインになることも明らかにした。 Also, K20D and K200D, they were aware that the machine was designed to clear his brother, and for holiday and K200D model is said to be designed with a different personality. 「開発陣はペンタックスらしさを発揮できると、みんな嬉々として開発に取り組んでいます。きっと期待に応えられる製品になるでしょう」(川内氏)。 "Our development is to demonstrate the PENTAKKUSURASHI, happy people are working on. Products will be sure to come" (Mr. Kawauchi).

なお、フォトキナ2008ではフルサイズセンサー機よりも「645デジタル」の開発を優先していること。 The 2008 Photokina than-full-size sensor, "Digital 645" is a development priority. 645デジタルの開発凍結が、いよいよ解除されたことが明らかになっていたが、これがさらに進行していることも川内氏は明らかにした。 645 to freeze the development of digital, it was clear that was finally lifted, Kawauchi said that further progress and this is said.

具体的な開発の状況を対外的に、どのタイミングで公表するかは現在検討中とのことだが、最速では3月末のフォトイメージングエキスポ(PIE)2009でも具体的な製品化に向けてのアナウンスを行なう可能性もある。 External to the specific development or released at any time and it is under study and is the fastest at the end of FOTOIMEJINGUEKISUPO (PIE) 2009 announcement for a specific product at could do.


That's all about the new cameras. There are some talks about Samsung's NX camera too. You can take a look further down blow :)


*Waits for people to unload their K20D for cheap* :devil:

Great minds think alike :p

But I doubt we'll be able to get one that cheaply.. it seems to hold its value well!

By the time it actually sells in SG, it'll be next year! I really don't think anyone's who's enjoying their K20D will be offering it 'cheap'!

Anyways, K20D has already got more than what I need anyways (my style of shooting, non mission critical) ...

Alright ... unless they come up with a FF body that's the size of a rangefinder ... kekeke ;-)

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Anyways, K20D has already got more than what I need anyways (my style of shooting, non mission critical) ...

You say that now...


Finally something in English:

The new camera is expected to introduce 'innovative' features, along with improvements to the menu, handling and Live View system, said Pentax USA's product marketing and support manager John Carlson.

Hope they'd address the slow AF issue so some more people would be happier :D

Finally something in English:

Hope they'd address the slow AF issue so some more people would be happier :D

pls make improvement on things like AF, iso, dynamic range which is more practical... dun chase the MP race... 14MP is more than enough... infact if they drop to 12MP and improve on everything else i will be very very happy... smaller file size hehe...

Finally something in English:

Hope they'd address the slow AF issue so some more people would be happier :D

pls make improvement on things like AF, iso, dynamic range which is more practical... dun chase the MP race... 14MP is more than enough... infact if they drop to 12MP and improve on everything else i will be very very happy... smaller file size hehe...

Yup I agree with fengwei and flowerpot. Pentax have great lenses, but let down by minor stuff like slow AF on their camera bodies. Somehow I sense a movie mode on the new DSLR. But no single camera system is perfect.

Yup I agree with fengwei and flowerpot. Pentax have great lenses, but let down by minor stuff like slow AF on their camera bodies. Somehow I sense a movie mode on the new DSLR. But no single camera system is perfect.

Just wait and see if they use back the same AF sensor SAFOX VIII. If they do, then imho it seems that we have all been taken for a ride .... they could have given us "better AF".... 3 years back ................ :think:

You say that now...


ya ... if they give so much better ISO, Dynamic Range, and AF ... I may still consider ... kekeke ...

ya ... if they give so much better ISO, Dynamic Range, and AF ... I may still consider ... kekeke ...

Heihei, somehow I know you'd upgrade when it's here, even the improvement isn't that big ;)

Actually to me, I'm kinda interested in the "new concept" thing. Don't think faster AF is something can be called a "new concept" :think:

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