shooting kaki

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Dec 4, 2008
how many of u go out shooting alone?
how many of u shoot with fren?

Most of the time... I am a lone wolf shooter...99% of the time. That way..not just for me to concentrate on shooting and less talkig but people or places you shoot at will not notice you that much. Go as a large group, street scene become chaotic and people around you will start to act unnatural or intimidated.

having a kaki helps. but mostly i shoot alone, since it is more flexible to me that way.

It depends. Sometimes alone, sometimes with a few friends.

Do join the Alpha outings if you are looking for kakis. ;)

alone, cuz most of the ppl i know also not into photography, others live too far away, nobody (that i know of) in cs lives in lavander (north beach rd).

And the guy i always go out to explore with dont like to spend time waiting while i setup tripod den reposition, reposition and reposition again.. hahah

You can always shoot your own legs (kaki) LOL...
Try another thread (Gatherings & Outings), there are plenty arrangement there.
Or attend a class - normally they have outings for practice.

Alone for most of the time...

with small groups otherwise.

My photos seem to come out better when I shot alone.

alone quite boring. friends not everytime free or into shooting.:confused:

Most of the time with 1 or 2 friends... that way get to share ideas:)

alone quite boring. friends not everytime free or into shooting.:confused:

Same here :(... most of the time i cant find anyone to go shooting together, end up the camera stays in the dry cabinet most of the time. Don't like to shoot alone since find it quite boring and nobody to talk with. would prefer 1 or 2 kakis if possible since it is not a big group but yet can chit chat abit also :D

Solo or with one very close friend.


When i shoot macro, i normally go solo......once i bring the gf along.....wah......that was the last time lor. "WHY ONE SPIDER MUST SHOOT SO MANY TIMES ?? "

with either my husband or with my friends.

but it doesnt help sometimes, shooting with the husband, because our photography interests and ideas ALWAYS conflict :sweat:

When i shoot macro, i normally go solo......once i bring the gf along.....wah......that was the last time lor. "WHY ONE SPIDER MUST SHOOT SO MANY TIMES ?? "

wah last time before my husband got himself his own gear, he used to not understand that too hahah. can start a fight sia. but now, no more, lol

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