Who is your favourite photographer?

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Apr 21, 2004
How about sharing who your favourite photographer is?
I'm sure everyone has their own personal favourite.

I've alwyas liked wildlife photography, one of my favourite photographer is Frans Lanting.
Local scene have yet to find any though.

I'm not into photojournalism, and don't know of any other than Henri Cartier Bresson, and find his photographs very nice.
That's the only photographer I know the name of... haha :)

Now learning all about wedding photography, so will be Jeff Ascough.

COOL !!!
Seeing a slow but steady response, and I get to know so many world famous photographer names being mentioned.
Keep it coming !!!

being the street photography lover that i am... french greats like Edouard Boubat, Robert Doisneau and Bresson..

I have a few that I like. Among them are Frans Lanting, Mark Moffett and Michael "Nick" Nichols.

Oh, and don't forget the masters over here too like tchuanye and leong23.

Joel Sartore, the NG photographer. Not because his work is the best I've seen, but because he seems like a really nice guy in the film 'At Close Range'.

ansel adams, no doubt

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