Any Ricoh GX100 user out there?

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hi guys,
i get very excited on the gx100 as it can take great pictures with excellent contrast as posted in this forum and plan to get one.... but i like to know how is the iso noise level as compare to budget dslr like nikon d40 or canon 350d?? anyone done any comparison??

hi guys,
i get very excited on the gx100 as it can take great pictures with excellent contrast as posted in this forum and plan to get one.... but i like to know how is the iso noise level as compare to budget dslr like nikon d40 or canon 350d?? anyone done any comparison??

PnS sensor vs APS-C sensor on a DSLR.... enuf said.

I did a simple night shot of various ISO, you can see it here.
GX100 is a great camera but obviously noise cannot compare with the like of D40 or 350d.
The ISO 80 is actually very good. I can accept shots taken up to ISO 400 but anything above that is only for those situation I termed "got photo better than no photo" kind.
Still the camera is great to carry around.

hi guys,
i get very excited on the gx100 as it can take great pictures with excellent contrast as posted in this forum and plan to get one.... but i like to know how is the iso noise level as compare to budget dslr like nikon d40 or canon 350d?? anyone done any comparison??

Hi Nightwolf,
Check out some of the Lowepro case like Apex 100 AW and the Apex 110 AW.
They are small case that will fit the GX100 with the hood attached. For the 100AW there is not much room left but the 110AW still have room for others stuff. I am using the 110AW and it will carry all the accessories i.e. wide adaptor, battery, VF etc minus the hood and is very small. It also allow me to hook my water bottle on the side, AW cover somemore.
Cathay have the 100AW and the 120AW but did not display the 110AW. I got the 110AW at Sim Lim.

has anyone found a decent case for the X100 that can hold the camera with the hood attached? i walked ard CP yesterday evening... short of buying the sliplock pouches, there don't seem to be any small pouches that are deep and wide enuf to hold the cam and hood... :(

i saw your night shots, you are right, anything above iso 400 is noisy but this is still much better as compare to panasonic lx2.... i like your shots
i am thinking of selling away my dslr to get gx100 becos of convenience to carry around...

Hi Nightwolf,
Check out some of the Lowepro case like Apex 100 AW and the Apex 110 AW.
They are small case that will fit the GX100 with the hood attached. For the 100AW there is not much room left but the 110AW still have room for others stuff. I am using the 110AW and it will carry all the accessories i.e. wide adaptor, battery, VF etc minus the hood and is very small. It also allow me to hook my water bottle on the side, AW cover somemore.
Cathay have the 100AW and the 120AW but did not display the 110AW. I got the 110AW at Sim Lim.

actually, i'll be dropping in on CP afterwards to have a look at the NatGeog pouch. i think i saw one there last one but din have the gx100 on me to test the size. ;)

i saw your night shots, you are right, anything above iso 400 is noisy but this is still much better as compare to panasonic lx2.... i like your shots
i am thinking of selling away my dslr to get gx100 becos of convenience to carry around...

:thumbsup: to dennis :thumbsup:


Er they are 2 different beast leh.
Normally I don't compare P&S and DSLR too much difference and options.
The GX100 would be a great compliment to any DSLR.

i saw your night shots, you are right, anything above iso 400 is noisy but this is still much better as compare to panasonic lx2.... i like your shots
i am thinking of selling away my dslr to get gx100 becos of convenience to carry around...

Yeh saw the Netgeo ones as well but did not like it because it gets wet. :bsmilie:

actually, i'll be dropping in on CP afterwards to have a look at the NatGeog pouch. i think i saw one there last one but din have the gx100 on me to test the size. ;)

yes, you are right that we shouldn't compare the dslr and p&s but ultimately i think it is fun to be able to find some p&s cameras that can stand head & shoulder with dslr in term of picture quality!!! in this case:thumbsup, i think the gx100 is the closes to challenge the dslr :)

yes, you are right that we shouldn't compare the dslr and p&s but ultimately i think it is fun to be able to find some p&s cameras that can stand head & shoulder with dslr in term of picture quality!!! in this case:thumbsup, i think the gx100 is the closes to challenge the dslr :)

definitely good choice going for the GX100 lah

i carry my GRD everywhere i go.....not my dslr :bsmilie:

In terms of picture quality DSLR still better but GX100 is not far behind unless you always print giant poster. Having said that you are not going to get great picture quality when using a lousy lens on a DSLR as well. Sometimes it may be easier to capture the moment if you are using a compact cam rather than a DSLR as it is easier to handle and not so intimidating as shooting with a DSLR. Pic quality is most of the time acceptable.
Not to mention that the 24mm is great and even better with the adaptor.
Go get the GX100 to compliment your DSLR you will not regret it, there will still be time where your DSLR will comes in handy and do things the little one cannot. :devil:

yes, you are right that we shouldn't compare the dslr and p&s but ultimately i think it is fun to be able to find some p&s cameras that can stand head & shoulder with dslr in term of picture quality!!! in this case:thumbsup, i think the gx100 is the closes to challenge the dslr :)

heh... finally found a case dat can carry the gx100 with the adapter tube attached. the lowepro d-res 25AW is a good fit and still have place to store the WA adapter. ;)

the gx100 won't win any prizes if u are pitching it against DSLRs. but among PnS, it definitely stands out cos of the wide-angle zoom lens. the noise is there, as dennis explained. if u want low-noise PnS, fujifilm's current line-up of PnS beats everyone's hands-down. ;)

seems like have to accept lower picture quality for compactness........;) cannot change the law of physic, big sensor - better quality, small sensor - lower quality... hheheee

Handling wise, how is GX100, as compare with GRD?

Guys, I am being poisoned by this thread.. :D

Do you think it is a good idea to trade my Sony R1 for a Ricoh GX100? :p

The size and lens of the GX100 is looking very nice indeed.

let's poison together...
CP quoted; S$800 (not sure whether EVF included) w/o gst
AP quoted; S$700 (without EVF), S$780 (with EVF) w/o gst
MS quoted; S$999 (every accessories included and gst)
Which package should I get??

the EVF is quite useless in my opinion, but like what Dennis told me before, some people do find a use for it. Up to you.

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